Articles by Chisa Fujioka and Shinichi Saoshiro

Global Fears Mount as Japan Takes Desperate Measures to Cool Reactors

Operators of a quake-crippled nuclear plant in Japan dumped water on overheating reactors on Thursday while the United States expressed growing alarm about leaking radiation and urged its citizens to stay well clear of the area. While Japanese officials were …

Japan Scrambles to Pull Nuclear Plant Back from Brink of Disaster

Japan’s nuclear crisis appeared to be spinning out of control on Wednesday after workers withdrew briefly from a stricken power plant because of surging radiation levels, but desperate efforts to avert a catastrophic meltdown quickly resumed. Early in the day …

UPDATE-2 Huge Quake Triggered Tsunami Kills 100’s in Japan; Pacific on Alert

The biggest earthquake on record to hit Japan rocked its northeast coast on Friday, triggering a 10-meter |33 foot] tsunami that killed hundreds of people and swept away everything in its path. Thousands of residents near a nuclear plant in …

U.N. Nagoya Meeting to Protect Nature Splits on Targets

Environment ministers from around the world tried to wrap up a U.N. meeting to preserve nature on Friday but remained split on targets to fight losses in animal and plant species that support livelihoods and economies. Delegates from nearly 200 …

U.N. Urged to Freeze Climate Change ‘Geo-engineering’ Projects

The United Nations should impose a moratorium on “geo-engineering” projects such as artificial volcanoes and vast cloud-seeding schemes to fight climate change, green groups say, fearing they could harm nature and mankind. The risks were too great because the impacts …

Greenhouse Funds Gloom Hangs over G20 Climate Talks

Rich nations must come up with billions in new money to help poor countries fight global warming and not just repackage development aid to score diplomatic points, environmentalists at a meeting of top polluters said on Friday. The three-day Japan …