Articles by Christopher J. Boggs

Chris Boggs, CPCU, ARM, ALCM, LPCS, AAI, APA, CWCA, CRIS, AINS, is a veteran insurance educator. He is Executive Director, Big I Virtual University of the Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of America. He can be reached at

Workers’ Compensation History: The Great Tradeoff!

Pirates of the 18th century and a 19th century German “Iron” Chancellor preceded the United States in the creation of a social system for the protection of injured workers. The modern U.S. workers’ compensation system owes parts of its existence …

How to COPE with Apartments

COPE is generally associated with property underwriting rather than as a risk class-based underwriting acronym. However, the traditional use and definition of COPE can be broadened to highlight the top concerns of underwriters reviewing apartment complexes. Classically, COPE means: Construction, …

One Person’s View: 7 Wonders of P/C Insurance History

What events have shaped the modern insurance landscape? Which ideas, innovations and accidents stand out as landmarks in the development and growth of this most important industry known as insurance? Following is one person’s opinion of the seven wonders of …

Things to Consider When Writing Marinas

A marina is an active community unto itself. Beyond providing mooring and boat storage, marinas may: provide minor or even major boat repair services; rent boats; sell boats; provide electrical and water hook ups; have on-sight restaurants or other eating …

Dos and Don’ts of Errors and Omissions Lawsuits

How to Respond and React When Threatened With an E&O Suit Ask any agent who has suffered through an errors and omissions (E&O) suit, and he or she will provide sage-like insight into the professional and even personal trials created …

Top 7 High-Growth Industries and Their Unique Insurance Needs

The seven fastest growing industries over the next few years include several in the health care field and each of the seven has a unique insurance need that agents and brokers should address. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor …

Top 7 High-Growth Industries and Their Unique Insurance Needs

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the seven fastest growing industries between now and 2016 are: Management, Scientific and Technical Consulting Services; Individual and Family Services; Home Health Care Service; Securities, commodity contracts and other financial investments and …

Passionate About Insurance and Writing? This May Be Your Opportunity

Insurance is one of the most important industries in the U.S. and other nations. This is not hyperbole; without insurance, we couldn’t enjoy much of the stuff to which we have grown accustomed: jobs, homes, cars or “toys.” Yes, insurance …

Subcontractors Can’t Hide from Workers’ Comp

Sound risk management necessitates that owners or general contractors contractually mandate workers’ compensation coverage anytime an independent contractor or subcontractor is hired to perform work on their behalf. Subcontractors cannot hide behind statute in contract situations; workers’ compensation coverage can …

How to COPE with Apartment Risks

COPE is generally associated with property underwriting rather than as a risk class-based underwriting acronym. However, the traditional use and definition of COPE can be broadened to highlight the top concerns of underwriters reviewing apartment complexes. Classically, COPE means: Construction, …