Articles by Christopher J. Boggs

Chris Boggs, CPCU, ARM, ALCM, LPCS, AAI, APA, CWCA, CRIS, AINS, is a veteran insurance educator. He is Executive Director, Big I Virtual University of the Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of America. He can be reached at

$18B National Flood Insurance Debt Does Not Add Up!

The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) is in debt to the American tax payer to the tune of $18 billion. Congress is considering forgiving the debt and they approved a six-month program extension to discuss this option. Forgiving the debt, …

AIG Crisis Highlights the Need for Insurance Professionalism

American International Group’s meltdown may serve at least one (if not more) positive purpose: spotlighting the difference between the insurance professional and the non-professional. Insurance professionals will have the necessary knowledge and even wisdom to respond calmly and rationally to …

Broker Uses AIG’s Problems to Create a ‘Super’ Product

“We hoped we were wrong,” said Peter Taffae, managing director of Executive Perils Inc., of the financial troubles that recently befell American International Group. In early June 2008, Taffae and several of his colleagues began to hear alarm bells surrounding …

Why Agents Need to Know If Their Clients Blog

Getting ‘SLAPP’ed: Individuals Blog at Their Own Risk; Exposure of Business Clients Depends on Policy Endorsements Blog-related personal injury suits have produced judgments ranging between $7,500 and $11.3 million. A Dade County, Florida real estate developer in January 2008 filed …

Blogs Can Get Insurance Clients ‘SLAPP’ed

A Dade County, Florida real estate developer in January 2008 filed a $25 million lawsuit against a real estate blogger alleging, among other charges, defamation of character based on the blogger’s opinion published solely on his blog (MiamiCondo Investments). Hollo …

Blogs Can Get Insurance Clients ‘SLAPP’ed

A Dade County, Florida real estate developer in January 2008 filed a $25 million lawsuit against a real estate blogger alleging, among other charges, defamation of character based on the blogger’s opinion published solely on his blog (MiamiCondo Investments). Hollo …

Why Flood Policy Should Not Include Wind Coverage

Reuters reports that Representative Barney Frank (D – Mass.) has introduced a bill to extend the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) seven months beyond the scheduled September 30, 2008, expiration date to allow lawmakers to iron out “deep disagreements.” Adding …

The Rise… and Fall… of Workers’ Compensation Second Injury Funds

Second (or subsequent) injury funds (SIF’s) have been abolished in 19 states. Alabama and Maine began this movement in 1992, with Arkansas and New York being the most recent converts; each ending its respective program in 2007. Some states, such …

The Complete Condo Package, Part 2

How to Fit the Right Pieces Together for an Association or Unit Owners’ Coverage Picture Piecing condominium association and unit-owner insurance programs together necessitate determination and complete information. A lot of pieces must be snapped together to assure a complete …

Workers’ Compensation History: The Great Tradeoff!

Eighteenth century pirates and a nineteenth century German “Iron” Chancellor preceded the United States in the creation of a social system for the protection of injured workers. The modern workers’ compensation system owes parts of its existence to this unique …