Articles by Christopher J. Boggs

Chris Boggs, CPCU, ARM, ALCM, LPCS, AAI, APA, CWCA, CRIS, AINS, is a veteran insurance educator. He is Executive Director, Big I Virtual University of the Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of America. He can be reached at

Guest Post: Who Is Liable When No One Is Driving? Part 2

We are grateful for friend of the Academy, Christopher J. Boggs, CPCU, ARM, ALCM, LPCS, AAI, APA, CWCA, CRIS, AINS, Executive Director, Big “I” Virtual University who provided this blog series about autonomous vehicles. Last week, Chris introduced us to …

Guest Post: Who Is Liable When No One Is Driving? Part 1

This week (and for the next few weeks) we are grateful for friend of the Academy, Christopher J. Boggs, CPCU, ARM, ALCM, LPCS, AAI, APA, CWCA, CRIS, AINS, Executive Director, Big “I” Virtual University who provided this blog series about …

Does Your Agency Need a ‘Coverage Consultant’

Google the phrase “business consultant” and more than 21 million hits pop up available for review. Granted some of these are links to descriptions of what a business consultant is, but the majority of possible sites link to websites for …

Trick-or-Treating and Homeowners’ Liability for Injuries: A Guide

Halloween pranks. Google this phrase and more than 5 million results link you to a myriad of ways to “mess with peoples’ minds” on Halloween. Some of the recommended pranks require a higher education to understand; some ideas are, well, …

Workers’ Compensation for PEOs and Their Employees

Professional employer organizations (PEOs) began their rise after the adoption of the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 cleared a path for the creation and expansion of such entities. Between 780 and 980 professional employer organizations operate across …

In the BAC 2+8+9 Do NOT Equal Symbol 1

Insurance Services Office’s (ISO’s) Business Auto Coverage (BAC) Form (CA 00 01) protects the named insured (“you”) against the financial consequences of its legal liability for bodily injury or property damaged not excluded by the policy and arising out of …

Filling the Gap in Contractors Professional and Pollution Liability

Coverage Part A of the Commercial General Liability (CGL) policy is limited in scope, extending coverage to claims arising out of only bodily injury (BI) and/or property damage (PD). Couple Part A’s limited scope with the CGL form’s absolute pollution …

Condominiums and the Problems They Cause

Condominiums present a unique problem for insurance agents and underwriters. Two separate persons (one a legal person and the other a natural person) may “split” the ownership of contiguous property. Regardless of the client’s status as the association or individual …

Can an Augmented Reality Game Lead to Legal Liability?

“Legally obligated,” “legally responsible,” “legally must pay,” and “legally liable” are all insurance policy terminology referring to the same concept – legal liability. Legal liability is liability imposed by the courts through common law or by statute on any person …

Millennials Don’t Rule the World – Revisited

Recently I wrote an article about Millennials, at least that’s what many assumed. The article actually focused on the mistakes being made in our attempts to entice Millennials to join the insurance industry. Some readers had knee-jerk reactions, and some …