Articles by Aileen Wang and Chris Buckley

China’s Premier Says Government Debt ‘Controllable’; Promises Insurance Reforms

China’s Premier Wen Jiabao said the nation’s government debt is at an “overall safe and controllable” level, that funding for key projects would be ensured and that applying the brakes to the problem would be done in a way to …

Cancun Climate Talks End with Modest Steps, No Kyoto Deal

The world’s governments agreed Saturday to modest steps to combat climate change and to give more money to poor countries, but they put off until next year tough decisions on cutting greenhouse gas emissions. The deal includes a Green Climate …

China Blames Climate Talks Standoff on Rich Nations

China said on Friday that rich nations must lock in fresh vows to slash greenhouse gas output to unblock talks for a new climate change deal, while some negotiators said Beijing was holding progress hostage. The feuding over the future …

U.S. Says Climate Talks Fail to Make Headway

The United States said on Wednesday U.N. climate talks were making less progress than hoped because of a rift over poorer nations’ emission goals, and that other avenues might be needed to tackle climate change. Negotiators from 177 governments are …

China Says Climate Talks Must Tackle Rich Nations CO2 Cuts

Greenhouse gas cuts vowed by rich nations remain far from enough to escape dangerous global warming, a top Chinese climate official said on Tuesday, urging talks over a new climate change pact to confront the shortfall. China is the world’s …

Climate Chief Urges Nations to Show Deal Can Be Done

The U.N. climate change chief urged governments on Monday to make real steps towards a new treaty to fight global warming or risk throwing negotiations into doubt. Negotiators are meeting in the northern Chinese port city of Tianjin to try …

China Says Greenhouse Gas Emissions Catch up with U.S.

China’s greenhouse gas emissions have caught up with the United States and will not fall any time soon, a top Chinese official said on Wednesday, while warning of a huge economic blow from global warming. The comments from Xie Zhenhua, …

China, European Union Vow to Work on Trade, Ease Tibet Tension

China and the European Union vowed on Friday to seek balanced trade and foster cooperation in climate change in high-level meetings as they sought to ease tension over Tibet protests and the Olympics. EU officials led by European Commission President …