Articles by Christopher Flavelle

Q&A with FEMA’s Fugate: Capitalism, Socialism and Disaster Mitigation

In January, Federal Emergency Management Agency administrator Craig Fugate gave states a choice for dealing with climate change. Option A: Do nothing about the rising toll of extreme weather, and hope Congress’s threats to restrict disaster aid — by raising …

The Politics of Safety, Affordability and Building Codes: Viewpoint

In April, some 1,200 home builders, inspectors, architects and engineers gathered in Louisville, Kentucky, to debate the standards that should guide construction of the next wave of U.S. houses. Engineers had a seemingly unobjectionable proposal: Make roofs in coastal areas …

Why FEMA Disaster Aid Deductible Makes Sense, Except to Local Officials and Builders

The proposal boiled down to just three paragraphs in the Federal Register: Would it be a good idea, the Federal Emergency Management Agency wondered, if Washington gave states a financial incentive to pass building codes, better protecting their residents against …

Why Debate Over Obamacare May Never End: Viewpoint

At the end of last year, I wrote that the debate over Obamacare’s impact would be settled once its main provisions took effect. Republicans thought out-of-pocket health costs would rise and access to their doctors would decrease; Democrats didn’t. “One …