Articles by Christopher Rugaber

Crane Industry Groups Push for National Standards

In the wake of three construction crane accidents in the past three months that claimed 11 lives, industry groups on Thursday called for nationwide safety standards. An industry council agreed on a set of standards in July 2004 and recommended …

Supreme Court Weighs Insurer’s Conflict of Interest in Health, Disability Benefits Claim Denial

The Supreme Court struggled in late April with how much weight to give an insurance company’s potential conflict of interest when it denies an employee’s health or disability benefits claim. The lawyer representing the Ohio woman who sued MetLife Inc. …

Supreme Court Weighs Insurer’s Conflict of Interest in Claim Denial

The Supreme Court struggled last week with how much weight to give an insurance company’s potential conflict of interest when it denies an employee’s health or disability benefits claim. The lawyer representing the Ohio woman who sued MetLife Inc. over …

Supreme Court to Hear Oral Arguments on Disability Benefits Case

An Ohio woman who first sought disability benefits from MetLife Inc. in 2000 says she “never in a million years” expected it would end up as a Supreme Court case. But on Wednesday, the justices will hear oral arguments in …

Supreme Court to Rule Whether Disability Insurer in Conflict of Interest

The Supreme Court last Friday said it would rule on an appeal by MetLife Inc. in a case that could make employee benefit plans more expensive. The dispute centers on whether insurance companies such as MetLife have a conflict of …

Court Throws Out Rules on Extended Hours for Truckers

A federal court dealt a blow to U.S. trucking companies this week by striking down rules on working hours that were strongly criticized by safety advocates. The decision is the latest chapter in a long-running battle between advocacy groups such …

U.S. Securities, Insurance Firms Gain Greater Market Access in China Talks

China promised to allow U.S banks, securities firms and insurance companies greater access to its financial markets during two days of high-level talks that ended Wednesday. Companies such as insurance provider American International Group Inc. and Merrill Lynch & Co. …

High Court to Hear Case of Voluntary Cleanup Under Superfund Law

The Supreme Court is scheduled to consider an environmental case next week that could make it easier for many industrial companies to recover some of the millions of dollars they’ve spent cleaning up hazardous waste sites. The case involves the …

Supreme Court to Consider Broader Liability in Securities Fraud

The Supreme Court said this week that it will consider whether shareholders of companies that commit securities fraud should be able to sue investment banks, lawyers and others that allegedly participated in the fraud. The case, which won’t be argued …

Supreme Court to Hear Case on Environmental Cleanup Costs

The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to tackle an environmental case that could clarify when companies which have incurred industrial cleanup costs can seek to force the government or other companies to share the costs. Atlantic Research Corp., a privately …