Articles by Constance Parten

Managed Care Organizations Aim to Send Workers Back to Work

When managed care was introduced to the workers’ comp arena in the 1980s, it promised to be the cure-all for a system suffering astronomical costs and premiums. Today, the atmosphere of workers’ comp in Texas has improved somewhat. Premiums are …

Managed Care Organizations Aim to Send Workers Back to Work

When managed care was introduced to the workers’ comp arena in the 1980s, it promised to be the cure-all for a system suffering astronomical costs and waning premiums. Today, the atmosphere of workers’ comp in the western states has improved …

Non-Profit Nursing Homes Receive TDI Assistance

Non-profit nursing homes and assisted living facilities in Texas will soon be admitted into the state’s Medical Liability Insurance Underwriting Association for the first time since 1982, with for-profit facilities possibly following suit. The decision was rendered Feb. 1 by …