Articles by Curt Woodward

Wash. lawmakers Wade into Red-Light Camera Debate

Washington lawmakers are wading into a growing debate over the use of cameras to ticket speeders and people who run red lights. Initiative promoter Tim Eyman and local activists filed initiatives in Bellingham, Longview, Monroe and Wenatchee that would limit …

Business, Labor Battle Over Wash. Workers’ Comp Initiative

A seemingly dry topic that actually generates some of the most heated political battles in Washington state is on the ballot for voters this year: workers’ compensation insurance. Washington is one of four states that doesn’t allow private companies to …

Wash. Court Dumps Notice for Malpractice Lawsuits

The Washington state Supreme Court said it is unconstitutional to require 90 days notice before suing a doctor, marking the second time in less than a year the court has rejected a legislative attempt to reform medical malpractice lawsuits. The …

Washington Closer to Eliminating Workers’ Comp Insurance Monopoly

A campaign to end Washington’s monopoly on workers’ compensation insurance appears to have enough support to qualify for the November ballot, adding to a busy initiative season in Washington politics. Initiative 1082 supporters submitted stacks of petitions with an estimated …

Wash. Court Dumps Notice for Malpractice Lawsuits

The Washington state Supreme Court said it’s unconstitutional to require 90 days notice before suing a doctor, marking the second time in less than a year the court has rejected a legislative attempt to reform medical malpractice lawsuits. The court’s …

Washington Closer to Eliminating Workers’ Comp Insurance Monopoly

A campaign to end the state’s monopoly on workers’ compensation insurance appears to have enough support to qualify for the November ballot, adding to a busy initiative season in Washington politics. Initiative 1082 supporters submitted stacks of petitions this week …

Builders’ Lobby Sponsors Washington Workers’ Comp Initiative

A politically active construction-industry group wants voters to decide whether Washington’s workers’ compensation system should face private competition, a move opposed by organized labor and top Democratic lawmakers. The Building Industry Association of Washington has filed paperwork for an initiative …

Wash. Regulator Has Big Ideas for Health Care

Hoping to speed up the pace of health care reform, the state insurance commissioner has stepped from the bureaucratic supporting cast with a big idea: take over the market for “catastrophic” insurance, guaranteeing Washingtonians have coverage in a health crisis. …

Wash. Referendum To Be Decided by Voters Today

Voters are heading to the polls today in Washington, where they will decide on one of this year’s loudest election campaigns, and also one of the most expensive ballot measure races in state history. New campaign finance reports show that …

Washington’s Trial Bar, Insurers Roll Up Sleeves for Ref. 67 Fight

Who says an off-year election has to be boring? With millions in campaign contributions, weeks of bruising TV ads and plenty of name-calling, trial lawyers and insurance companies are doing their best to spice up this fall’s otherwise ho-hum statewide …