Articles by Curtis M. Pearsall

Pearsall is president of Pearsall Associates Inc., a risk management consulting firm. He is also a special consultant to the Utica National Agents E&O program. Phone: 315-768- 1534. Email:

How Policies Respond When Buying or Selling an Agency

It’s rare to read an industry magazine or attend an industry conference without the topic of mergers and acquisitions coming up. The issues addressed typically include the cost of acquisitions, tax implications, systems matters, when a consultant is needed and …

E&O Insights: How Errors & Omissions Liability Policies Respond When Buying or Selling an Agency

It’s rare to read an industry magazine or attend an industry conference without the topic of mergers and acquisitions coming up. The issues addressed typically include the cost of acquisitions, tax implications, systems matters, when a consultant is needed and …

E&O Insights: Put the Power of the Signed Application to Work

With few exceptions, an application is a necessary document to secure a proposal or to bind coverage, and can actually possess tremendous power. When an errors and omissions (E&O) matter develops, all of the various documents, file notes, etc., are …

E&O Insights: How Well Do You Know Your Own E&O Policy?

As many agents know, there are various standards to which they will be held in the event of litigation. There are also standards to which customers will be held. One of those standards involves a duty the customer has to …

E&O Insights: How ‘E&O Proof’ is Your Agency?

Another year is in the books. As your agency reflects on the past year, how would your answer the following question: Are you a better errors and omissions (E&O) risk today than compared to a year ago? Many issues factor …

E&O Insights: How to Minimize E&O When Selling Employee Benefits

Agencies involved in the sales and service of employee benefits know that the issue of errors and omissions (E&O) is very real — and that proper steps must be taken to minimize that exposure. Many in the employee benefits field …

E&O Insights: What Could Go Wrong When Insuring Habitational?

Insuring habitational risks has generated more than its fair share of errors and omissions (E&O) claims. While there are a host of issues, consider these specific ones: valuation, ordinance or law coverage and flood. Valuation A significant number of E&O …

E&O Insights: How Well Do You Know Your Accounts?

Professional liability, or errors and omissions as it is also known, is a unique line of business. After all, how many other lines of business have terms like claims made, claims made and reported, retro dates, tail coverage? Not many. …

E&O Insights: Mother Nature’s Effect on E&O Claims

It seems that practically every time you turn on the news, a part of the United States is being threatened by a significant weather-related event. It’s sometimes anyone’s guess when and where the next weather-related catastrophe will hit and what …

E&O Insights: Producers Play a Significant Role in E&O

When reviewing errors and omissions (E&O) statistics, it is often alleged that producers cause the issue in more than half of these claims. However, because a producer is alleged to have made the “error or omission” does not necessarily make …