Articles by Cynthia Beisiegel

Calif. Department of Insurance Chief Lists Expectations for Market Conduct

Joel Laucher, chief of Market Conduct at the California Department of Insurance, recently spoke to attendees at the 75th Annual Meeting of the Inland Marine Under-writers Associa-tion about Calif-ornia’s requirements and expectations for inland marine insurance. Laucher referenced California’s Proposition …

Making a Difference

Recently it was brought to my attention that the Insurance Information Network of California became the recipient of the prestigious Silver Anvil award for their efforts in dispersing information after the 2003 California wildfires. Sponsored by the Public Relations Society …

Scandal: Now What? Nothing!

When news of Eliot Spitzer’s allegations against giant insurance broker Marsh & McLennan hit the press in October 2004, local agents and brokers braced themselves for an onslaught of client concerns. They prepared brochures, distributed talking points to agency staff, …

WIAA Fights Back Against Calif. Commissioner’s Proposed Regulations

Brochure Reveals Rift among Agent/Broker Trade Associations The Western Insurance Agents Association has released a brochure on behalf of its member agents detailing its campaign to stop California Insurance Commissioner John Garamendi’s alleged excessive and unjust regulations aimed at the …

Fearless Marketing

Few professionals understand more than insurance agents how unprepared Americans can be for life’s dangers. A new survey confirms agents’ fears about their own customers. It shows ours to be a nation of citizens who while worried about illness, accidents, …

News & Networking

Summer is upon us, and in the insurance world, that means it’s prime time for conventions and meetings. Attending meetings and conventions is a great way for insurance professionals to get together, network with peers, gain industry insight and knowledge, …

Fire Season 2005: Protect Your Clients from Wildfire Dangers

California and its Western counterparts are just beginning to enter the 2005 wildfire season, and as usual, fire risk is extremely high. Are your clients prepared to protect their homes and property from the potential dangers of wildfires? What can …

Keeping it in the Family

It’s no secret that insurance is a family business. If we ourselves aren’t the father/mother/daughter/son of someone in the business, it’s quite likely the next person is. While many of us fall into the insurance industry by chance, there are …

California Legislature Takes Action on Several Insurance-Related Bills

The California legislature took action on several insurance-related bills recently, including a controversial bill dealing with the issue of broker compensation. SB 938 (Dunn) would “require that an agent or broker acting on behalf of a client in a transaction …

Give Me a Break!

In his latest attempt to garner public interest, California Insurance Commissioner John Garamendi recently introduced AB 925, authored by Mark Ridley-Thomas (D-Los Angeles), a bill that would mandate insurers to invest in lower- and middle-income communities in the state of …