Articles by Dale Sailer

Charity Outings Tee-Off Nationwide

If you believe the stereotype, insurance adjusters love golf. When I first began working in the insurance claims industry 15 years ago, I was told a joke about the industry: Three 10-year old boys are bragging about their dads, as …

Five Practical Coverage-Related Suggestions to Mitigate E&O Claims

Five Practical Coverage-Related Suggestions to Mitigate E&O Claims There is an abundance of material offering insurance agents advice designed to minimize or prevent errors and omissions claims. Most of these materials are generalized, focusing on proper file documentation and stressing …

Med-Mal in Washington — When Carriers and the Regulatory Body Cooperate

The medical malpractice market in Washington state has improved immensely in recent times, but the debate about tort reform is just getting started. Competing initiatives will be in front of voters this fall with the trial lawyers on one side …

Charity Golf Outings Putt Focus on Helping Hand

It takes a special breed of individual to devote their business career to helping people in a time of great loss. The costs of doing so are both emotional and physical—emotional stress from dealing with unexpected, difficult and frequently tragic, …

Chairty Golf Outings, Bringing People Together

Restoration contractors most often find themselves on the back end of a disaster—it is the essence of their job to clean, restore and help put the pieces back together after disaster strikes, whether from fire, wind or water. But as …