Articles by Dale Wetzel

Court: North Dakota Tree Owners on Hook for Neighbor Damage

North Dakota tree owners take note: If your tree’s branches damage your neighbor’s house, he or she may be able to get into your pocket. So says the North Dakota Supreme Court, which ruled that the owner of three rogue …

Deadline for Cheap North Dakota Flood Rebuilding Loans Looms

Jessica Henderson’s Minot home had just been painstakingly gutted and remodeled, from the basement on up, when the flooding Souris River put its main floor under four feet of water last summer. When it came time to rebuild again, Henderson …

Ex-North Dakota Workers’ Comp Director Files Federal Appeal

A former North Dakota workers’ compensation director has asked a federal judge to review his felony conviction for misspending state funds, claiming county prosecutors used false testimony to get it. In a petition filed in U.S. District Court in Bismarck, …

North Dakota Senate Approves $600M Disaster Package

North Dakota’s Senate unanimously approved a $639 million disaster relief measure that includes money for low-interest home loans, road construction and repairs to public works. The measure’s centerpiece is a $60 million fund, to be administered by the state-owned Bank …

North Dakota House Rejects Health Insurance Exchange

Angered by a federal health care law that most of them despise, North Dakota House Republicans defeated legislation to give state officials authority over a health insurance marketing agency that the law requires states to establish. They said endorsing state …

North Dakota Governor Asks Legislature to Approve Disaster Help

North Dakota Gov. Jack Dalrymple has unveiled a $569 million plan to provide disaster aid to flood-stricken areas and to help western North Dakota towns struggling to cope with oil development. Speaking to a joint session of the North Dakota …

North Dakota Farm Groups Backing Crop Insurance, Research

Crop insurance, research and export promotion should be among the top priorities in the next federal farm bill, say spokesmen for North Dakota agricultural groups, who are bracing for cuts in federal spending. “We’ll have less resources to work with,” …

Flooding Damages Thousands of North Dakota Homes

The Souris River crested nearly 2 feet lower than expected in Minot, N.D., where city officials hoped to ride out the high water without losing more than the thousands of homes already damaged by flooding. The river had been expected …

North Dakota Flood Damage to Public Works: $90M Plus

The commander of North Dakota’s National Guard estimated it will cost $90 million or more to repair roads, parks and other public works from damage caused during spring and summer flooding. Maj. Gen. David Sprynczynatyk, speaking to the Legislature’s Budget …

Report: Improve Benefits for Injured North Dakota Workers

An unusual North Dakota workers’ compensation law provides reduced benefits when a job injury worsens a medical problem the employee already has, and a consultant told state lawmakers on Friday they should repeal it. The move would mean about $4.8 …