Articles by Dan Murtaugh and Brian K. Sullivan

Texas Storms Leave 800,000 Without Power While Flights Grounded

A line of dangerous storms and flooding rains rolled over the US Gulf Coast, killing at least four people and leaving more than 800,000 customers in Texas — about 6% of the total — without power while grounding hundreds of …

Global Power Grids Face Biggest Test in Decades With Summer Blackouts Expected

Global power grids are about to face their biggest test in decades with electricity generation strangled in the world’s largest economies. War. Drought. Production shortages. Historically low inventories. And pandemic backlash. Energy markets across the planet have been put through …

Gas Buildup at China Nuclear Plant Prompts Questions from Part Owner EDF

The French utility that partly owns a nuclear power plant near Hong Kong is seeking more information on a gas buildup in a reactor, even as its Chinese partner insists the facility is operating safely. Electricite de France SA, which …

German Bank Seeks to Seize Ships for Breach of Iran Sanctions

Reports alleging that fuel tankers appeared to breach U.S. sanctions against Iran were cited in court filings by a bank as it sought to seize the ships, accusing the owners of loan default. The accusations, which led to the the …

Deadly African Swine Virus Sends Shock Waves Through Global Food Chain

What started with a few dozen dead pigs in northeastern China is sending shock waves through the global food chain. Last August, a farm with fewer than 400 hogs on the outskirts of Shenyang was found to harbor African swine …

China’s Biggest Oil & Gas Producer Halts Fracking After Series of Quakes

The backlash against shale drilling in earthquake-prone regions — a thorn in the side of U.S. energy companies for the past decade — reached China this week after a series of temblors killed two people and reduced homes to rubble. …

PG&E Gives Details on Tower Damage at Heart of California Fire Probe

PG&E Corp. revealed that on the day California’s deadliest and most destructive wildfire started, its workers saw damage and a fire near one of its transmission towers, which are the focus of investigations and a lawsuit as a possible ignition …

Exxon Mobil’s Airstrip in Papua New Guinea Heavily Damaged After Earthquake

Exxon Mobil Corp. built a runway to land some of the world’s biggest planes as part of its endeavor to tap gas riches in one of the most remote spots on Earth. But an earthquake Monday in Papua New Guinea …

Tropical Storm Karen Downgraded Before Landfall

Tropical Storm Karen was downgraded to a depression and storm warnings were discontinued Saturday night as the weather system churned in the Gulf of Mexico before heading toward landfall in northern Florida. Karen’s sustained winds fell to 35 miles (55 …