Articles by Danica Kirka

Grenfell Tower Fire Inquiry Chief Seeks Immunity for Corporate Witnesses

The chairman of the inquiry into a London apartment building fire that killed 72 people wrote Britain’s attorney general Thursday to ask for a pledge to prevent evidence provided by corporate witnesses from being used in subsequent criminal prosecutions. Martin …

Prospect of Brexit Deal Is ‘Touch and Go,’ Acknowledges PM Johnson

U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson acknowledged Sunday that the prospect of a Brexit deal was “touch and go,” as other European Union capitals grasp the problems Britain has with the withdrawal agreement. Speaking on the sidelines of the Group of …

Why It’s Difficult to Insure Iconic Properties Such as Notre Dame

Rebuilding Notre Dame, the 800-year-old Paris cathedral devastated by fire last week, will cost billions of dollars as architects, historians and artisans work to preserve the medieval landmark. But contrary to what one might think, little of the money will …

Uber Pledges to Fight UK Court Decision that Drivers Should Be Treated as Workers

Uber pledged [on Dec. 19] to challenge a U.K. Court of Appeal decision that drivers should be classed as workers rather than self-employed employees, a verdict that has potentially wide-ranging implications for the rapidly growing gig economy and the rules …

UK Court Rules Contractor Entitled to Employment Rights in Test Case for Gig Economy

A London plumber who claimed he was unfairly dismissed after years of working as a contractor won a court ruling Wednesday [June 13] giving him employment rights, in a closely watched case testing labor rules in the so-called gig economy. …

Businesses, Big and Small, Come to Terms with New Data Privacy Law

Lisa Meyer’s London hair salon is a cozy place where her mother serves homemade macaroons, children climb on chairs and customers chat above the whirr of hairdryers. Most of the time Meyer is focused on hairstyles, color trends and keeping …