Articles by Danielle Bochove

Melting Greenland Has Lost 1 Trillion Tons More Ice Than Previously Thought

The Greenland ice sheet, an expanse of frozen water about three times the size of Texas, is disappearing much faster than previously thought, according to new research, and the difference may already be affecting the distribution of heat around the …

Antarctica’s Shrinking Sea Ice Hits Record Low, Alarming Scientists

At its largest expanse this year, sea ice covered less than 17 million square kilometers (6.6 million square miles) of the Antarctic — an area that is 1 million square kilometers (almost 400,000 square miles) smaller than the previous record …

Stranded Cruise Ship Shows Risks of More Traffic in Hard-to-Reach Arctic Waters

The grounding of a luxury cruise ship off the coast of Greenland on Monday highlighted the irony of touring the fast-warming Arctic on a vessel powered by fossil fuels, the main culprit in climate change. But the incident also underscores …

Raging Wildfires Prompt Evacuation of Northern Canadian City, Yellowknife

Wildfires have forced an evacuation of Yellowknife, the capital of Canada’s Northwest Territories. Officials with the territorial government told residents in the highest-risk areas to evacuate immediately. Other residents have until 12 p.m. local time on Friday to leave the …

Canada’s Record Wildfire Season Set to Worsen as Heat Builds

Canada is bracing for higher-than-normal wildfire activity to continue into August, as soaring temperatures and drought turn much of the country’s vast forests into kindling. The Canada fire season, which normally runs from April to September, is barely half over …

‘Stay Tuned’ for Word on Russian Oil Price-Cap Plan, Says Yellen

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said talks are continuing on how the US and its allies might cap the price of Russian oil exports, possibly through a plan that offers exceptions to the European ban on insuring Russian oil shipments. “We …

Canada Faces Mega-Hurricanes if Climate Change Pushes Storms North: Swiss Re Warns

Climate change is making hurricanes bigger and stronger, and it may soon push them farther north. Yet Canada’s homeowners, businesses and insurers underestimate that escalating risk, according to one of the world’s leading reinsurance firms. Overall, the northern nation has …

300-Plus Canadian Wildfires Force Closures of Lumber Mills, Natural Gas Facility

More than 300 wildfires in British Columbia have forced Canadian lumber mills and an Enbridge Inc. natural gas compressor station to shut as hot, dry weather fans blazes across swaths of western Canada and the U.S. Enbridge said Tuesday [July …

Mine Disasters Show Real Cost of Using Cheap Solutions for Waste Storage

As miners globally review the way they store waste in the wake of another horrific dam spill, the solution may be as simple as it is dramatic: spend a lot more. Images of sludge spewing into towns and rivers could …