Articles by Dave Clarke

Large Insurers Anxious As Financial Council Finalizes Systemic Risk Rule

The U.S. financial risk council approved a final rule on Tuesday laying out how it will decide which financial companies outside the banking industry will face new scrutiny by the Federal Reserve in hopes of preventing a repeat of the …

SEC Weighs Exempting Insurance Companies from Volcker Rule

The top U.S. securities regulator said on Tuesday her agency is exploring whether insurance companies can qualify for a coveted exemption in the proposed Volcker rule that would protect them from having to scale back their investments in hedge funds. …

Fed Proposes Rules to Restrain Wall Street Risk-Taking

The Federal Reserve proposed new rules on Tuesday to restrain risk-taking by the largest U.S. banks as it tries to make the financial system more resilient against future crises. The proposal, required by the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial oversight law, includes …

Financial Services Oversight Rules Possible This Week

The Federal Reserve is expected to release this week a highly anticipated proposal for how it will oversee the largest U.S. banks, a person familiar with the plan said on Monday. The proposal, which includes a group of rules such …

Washington Gridlock Continues Over Consumer Financial Protection Agency

The answer to the Final Jeopardy! question of who will be the first director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau will not become known today. In fact, it may be a while before there is an answer. Senate Republicans say …

U.S. to Reveal Criteria for Systemic Risk Insurers Today

U.S. regulators Tuesday are set to give nervous insurance companies, mutual funds and other big players in financial markets a better idea of whether they will be tapped for the same type of additional government scrutiny facing large U.S. banks. …

Banks in Liability Bind as States Splinter Over Mortgage Settlement

Large U.S. banks defending themselves against a mass of state and federal mortgage probes face a difficult tactical decision following New York state’s exit from settlement talks on Tuesday. A settlement with the states remaining at the negotiating table and …

Banks Seek Liability Shield for Future Home Mortgages

U.S. banks still wrestling with legal troubles springing from the subprime mortgage crisis are lobbying the new consumer agency for strong legal protection for future home loans. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is finalizing a proposal to entice banks to …

Oversight Council to Take More Time Identifying Systemic Risk Firms

The U.S. risk council will give the public more time to comment on the criteria for picking so-called “systemic” financial firms, after lawmakers scolded the new council for being opaque on the process. U.S. bank regulator John Walsh said the …

Systemic Firms Will Not Be ‘Too Big to Fail,’ Says FDIC’s Bair

Financial firms that the U.S. government deems as “systemic” will not be “too big to fail,” bank regulator Sheila Bair said Thursday. Bair, pushing back against critics who say the systemic designation is simply a government guarantee, said a major …