Articles by Dave Clarke and Kevin Drawbaugh

Divided Financial Crisis Panel Spreads the Blame

A deeply divided U.S. investigative panel issued a scathing critique of the culture of deregulation championed by Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, saying the government had ample power to avert the financial crisis of 2007-2009 and chose not to …

Republicans Want to Revisit Financial Regulation Reform Bill

Republicans will reopen the broad Wall Street reform law and overhaul the newly created consumer protection bureau if they regain control of Congress after the November elections, a leading lawmaker said Monday. Richard Shelby, the top Republican on the powerful …

Financial Reforms Will Help Curb Systemic Risk, Regulators Tell Panel

New powers from the financial reform law will help avoid a repeat of 2008’s frenzied sale of Wachovia and the wreckage that followed the collapse of Lehman Brothers, U.S. regulators said Wednesday. A commission investigating the causes of the financial …