Articles by Dave Kaiser

Csiszar tells agents major shift essential to entice carriers to Florida

Insurers look at Florida’s government as a heavy-handed, intrusive, oppressive regulatory regime that does more harm than good to property insurance markets. According to Ernie Csiszar, president and CEO of the Property Casualty Insurers Association of America, Florida’s government and …

Hurricane consultant outlines mitigation steps

According to a consultant for the Federal Alliance for Safe Homes, Florida’s building codes, which were approved in 2001, are working. He also says that Hurricane Charlie was a “model” hurricane in the sense that it was exactly what the …

Citizens Agrees to Renew, Write New Builder’s Risk Coverage in Florida

A policy change that will allow Citizens Property Insurance Corp. to renew existing builder’s risk policies and write new policies was unanimously approved by the board of governors during a July 21 emergency meeting. The board also unanimously approved a …

Citizens expects $3.05 B bond issue; appeal made to agents for help

Citizens Property Insurance Co. CFO Terri Slack announced June 23 that a $3.05 billion bond issue, believed to be the largest single bond issue in Florida’s history, was expected to be finalized June 29 in Miami. The bond issue will …

Ga. commissioner says abolishing contingency commissions ‘a mistake’

Abolishing contingency commissions and making them illegal would be a major mistake, according to Georgia Insurance Commissioner John Oxendine. Oxendine said he recently told carrier representatives they were “literally crazy” for wanting to abolish contingencies. The Georgia regulator also criticized …

Florida Agents Told: Major Changes Essential to Entice Carriers

Carriers and insurers look at Florida as a heavy-handed, intrusive, oppressive regulatory regime and it would require a major shift in how government and legislators approach this market to encourage companies to come into the state, Ernie Csiszar, president and …

Citizens’ Reps Appeal to Florida Agents for Help, Cooperation

Citizens Property Insurance Co. officials recently told agents meeting in Orlando that Florida’s insurer of last resort is “as ready as they are going to be,” to face the 2006 hurricane season. Paul Palumbo, Citizens head actuary, appealed to independent …

Florida vows to implement credit scoring rule despite protests

Florida insurance officials are vowing to enforce a new rule regarding the use of credit scores in insurance starting September 1, despite protests from the industry that the rule is too stringent. The Financial Services Commission unanimously adopted the rule …

Pay less attention to delinquent accounts, call your good customers

Agents can make a difference in the perception of the insurance business if, instead of tracking and billing delinquent accounts, they turn everything around and call good customers, Kat Davis of Tower Hill Insurance in Gainesville, Fla., told Professional Insurance …

Safe Home Expert Says Florida Building Codes Working

According to a consultant for the Federal Alliance for Safe Homes, Florida’s building codes that were approved in 2001 are working. He also says that Hurricane Charlie was a “model” hurricane in the sense that it was exactly what the …