Articles by Dave Kaiser

Symington Tells Miss. Big ‘I’: Federal Charter a ‘Recipe for Disaster’

If a mandatory or even an optional federal charter is implemented in Washington, D.C., it will be a “recipe for disaster,” a top insurance agent lobbyist has warned. Charles E. Symington, Jr., told more than 500 Mississippi agents that the …

Oxendyne Tells Ga. Big ‘I’: Abolishing Contingency Fees ‘A Mistake’

Abolishing contingency commissions and making them illegal would be a mistake, John Oxendine, Georgia Insurance Commissioner, told more than 800 agents attending the 109th Annual Convention, Trade Show and Young Agents Conference in Amelia Island, Fla. from June 7 to …

Fla. Rep. Waters: Hurricane Party Mentality Has Been Replaced by Hurricane-Stress

The hurricane party mentality is gone, replaced by hurricane stress, Rep. Leslie Waters, R-Pinellas, told the Florida Suncoast Chapter of the Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriters at the group’s June 5 meeting in Tampa, Fla. Waters described the battle that …

Only 12 of 18 perils happen in Florida, ‘So what’s your problem?’ quips moderator

The country has experienced 18 different types of natural disasters, while Florida deals with “only” 12 of these perils. Yet insurers and consumers have big problems in Florida. “When you go through the list and take a look at Florida, …

Hartwig predicts profitable 2006, sees premium growth grinding to a halt

The last 24 months have been traumatic for the insurance industry, but the profit picture for 2006 is quite good in the industry overall, Robert P. Hartwig, Insurance Information Institute senior vice president and chief economist, told attendees at the …

Workers’ comp 2005 results ‘excellent,’ but caution advised, say experts

The workers’ compensation insurance industry had another excellent year in 2005 on an accident-year basis, said Steve Klingel, NCCI Holdings Inc.’s president and CEO, at the recent National Council on Compensation Insurance’s May 11-12 Annual Issues Symposium in Orlando, Fla. …

Workers’ comp market ‘guarded’ at the moment, expert says

Singer Bob Dylan’s song, “The Times, They Are a Changin,’” was cited as a cautionary reminder by Steve Klingel, NCCI Holdings Inc.’s president and CEO, as he gave a positive report on 2005 results for the workers’ compensation industry during …

Hartwig predicts profitable 2006, premium growth grinding to halt

The past 24 months have been traumatic for the insurance industry, but the profit picture for 2006 is quite good overall, Robert P. Hartwig, Insurance Information Institute senior vice president and chief economist said during the May 11 National Council …


The last 24 months have been traumatic for the insurance industry but the profit picture for 2006 is quite good overall, according to Robert P. Hartwig, Insurance Information Institute senior vice president and chief economist. Premium growth, however, is a …

Hartwig predicts profitable 2006, premium growth grinding to a halt

The last 24 months have been traumatic for the insurance industry, but the profit picture for 2006 is quite good overall, Robert P. Hartwig, Insurance Information Institute senior vice president and chief economist said during the May 11 National Council …