Articles by Dave Thomas

West Virginia Commissioner Eyes Tort Reform

When asked about a recent report from the American Tort Reform Association that singled out West Virginia as the only statewide “judicial hellhole” in a related report, Bringing Justice to Judicial Hellholes 2003,” West Virginia Insurance Commissioner Jane Cline said …

New Resolutions for Industry Publication

The old saying goes that this time of the year is an opportunity to start making resolutions for the new year. Well, we at Insurance Journal have some plans of our own for 2004, and we’re starting with this premiere …

Miss. Tort Reform In Play As Lawyers Flock to Magnolia State

Problems and states come in all different shapes and sizes. For the insurance industry, keeping an eye on tort reform in Mississippi has been an item of importance in recent years. For the American Insurance Associ-ation (AIA), the subject has …

Georgia Commissioner Has State on the Right Track

Georgia Insurance Commissioner John Oxendine has seen a number of changes in his department in his nine years in office. With three years left to serve, Oxendine hopes to see even more improvement as the department reaches out to both …

Fla. Goes on Offensive to Fight Fraud

Florida is like many other states when it comes to insurance fraud — it recognizes the problem and is doing something about it. Recently, Chief Financial Officer Tom Gallagher and Bob Neumann, director of the Division of Insurance Fraud, spoke …

Industry People Making Moves in 2003

As you will probably notice from this list, it is not scientific, preferential, etc. We retraced news coverage of this past year and tried to come to an agreement on who made headlines. We likely left off a few individuals, …

Industry People Making Moves in 2003

As you will probably notice from this list, it is not scientific, preferential, etc. We retraced news coverage of this past year and tried to come to an agreement on who made headlines. We likely left off a few individuals, …

CDI Investigating Reports of Bogus Policies

Allegations that more than 200 bar and restaurant owners in California were sold bogus insurance policies is under investigation by a number of different entities. A California Department of Insurance (CDI) spokesperson said the department is actively looking into the …

Aon Study Reports Homeowners ROE Still Improving but at Slower Rate

Aon recently announced the results of Aon Re Worldwide’s second follow-up study of return on capital in the U.S. homeowners insurance marketplace. The results of the study reportedly reveal further improvement in expected return, although the rate of improvement has …

Aon Study Reports Homeowners ROE Still Improving but at Slower Rate

Aon recently announced the results of Aon Re Worldwide’s follow-up study of return on capital in the U.S. homeowners insurance marketplace. According to the company, the study reveals further improvement in expected return, although the rate of improvement has slowed. …