Articles by David Coons

Coons is senior vice president of The Jacobson Group, a provider of talent to the insurance industry. Phone: 800-466-1578. Email:

The Key to Unlocking Creativity? Promoting an Innovative Culture

The insurance industry stands amid an increasingly fast-paced, ever-changing business world. Insurance companies are now face-to-face with constantly evolving marketplace conditions — including climate concerns, technology risks, compliance demands and globalization. Organizations that fail to keep up with today’s rapid …

Analytics and Automation Reshaping the HR Process

Advancements in technology are driving continued evolution throughout the insurance industry. From insurtech and telematics to artificial intelligence (AI) and digitalization, the industry continues to face increased disruption across all areas and functions. Within the human resources segment, AI and …

Should Compensation Be Tailor-Made?

In today’s business reality, an organization’s biggest investment is its human capital. In fact, employees are the key to any successful company. Unfortunately, the insurance industry faces an increasingly challenging war for talent. From a mass exodus of tenured, skilled …

Can Cyber Open the Door to Attracting Talent?

No longer a long-range concern on the distant horizon, the talent crunch within the insurance industry is here. Despite years of warnings and research, insurance organizations face a perfect storm of labor market challenges, including an aging workforce, an impending …

What Employees Really Want

In today’s increasingly competitive labor market, human capital is critical to business success. Organizations are only as strong as their employees. With this in mind, insurance organizations are focused on engaging and retaining top performers. These individuals are critical to …

Tailor Your Talent Brand to Fit Today’s Candidates

Outdated, behind-the-times, old-fashioned and boring — all of these terms have been used to describe the insurance industry at one point in time. It’s clear that the industry has an image problem. But what about your organization? Does your company’s …

Unlock the Secret to Retaining Young Professionals

In today’s tightening labor pool, the competition for insurance talent is fierce. Faced with an aging industry, an impending wave of retirements and growing staffing demands, the insurance industry has shifted its focus to recruiting young professionals to fill the …

Industry Disruption and the Future of Talent: The Jacobson Group’s David Coons

From smart TVs and live streaming turning the entertainment industry on its head, to mobile health monitoring systems that are revolutionizing the way patients interact with their doctors, disruption is changing the way the world does business. Within insurance, rapid …

Is Money the Key to Happiness? Not Anymore!

Does money truly buy happiness? Money does not equate to a happier life, according to economists. However, a number of organizations continue to remain focused on compensation as their sole engagement tool. While salary is certainly an important determining factor …

The Corporate Citizenship Mandate

In the midst of today’s growing war for talent and increasingly competitive labor market, corporate citizenship programs should no longer be viewed simply as a “feel good” activity. Rather, this “win-win-win” opportunity — providing benefits for the charity, employer and …