Articles by David Coons

Coons is senior vice president of The Jacobson Group, a provider of talent to the insurance industry. Phone: 800-466-1578. Email:

Engaging Tomorrow’s Workforce, Today

An organization’s biggest investment is in its human capital. Employees are the key to any successful business. Properly engaging staff can make a significant difference in a company’s productivity. Given the state of the industry – with nearly half of …

Staffing for Your Organization’s Term Projects

Natural disasters are unforeseen and unpredictable: an unexpected hurricane that devastates a coastal area, a tornado that cuts across a city leaving broken buildings and homes in its path, a wildfire that sweeps across states, or a flood that destroys …

Bridging the Wage Gap

Today, the number of women working in the insurance industry is roughly equal to the number of men, with 191,000 women and 197,000 men currently employed. Yet women continue to face a serious wage gap when compared to their male …

The Case for Volunteerism: Encouraging a Charitable

Company Culture Corporate volunteer programs are not just “feel good” activities. They’re a “win-win-win” because not only does the charity benefit, but so do the employer and the employees. In the midst of the war for talent, competition for top …

Recruiting and Retention in the New Economy

We made it! We survived the economic instability of the past few years and have more than rebounded. The insurance industry is well ahead of the greater economy; and the picture painted by our labor market is much different than …

The Next Generation

Workers 45 and over account for 48 percent of the insurance industry’s workforce, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics This means nearly half of the workforce will be retired or on the verge of retirement in only 15 years. …

Become an Employer of Choice: Rewards and Recognition in the Workplace

If you’re in a hiring or management position, you already know skilled talent is in short supply and competition is high. Whether you’re looking for a seasoned professional or a recent grad, the best and brightest can be difficult to …

Making the Most out of Mentorships

It is no secret that the workforce demographic is changing, adding a host of new concerns for both employers and employees. As organizations examine their talent pipelines for incumbent leaders, workers struggle to stand out among their peers as the …

Social Recruiting: Branding Your Company as an Employer of Choice

Seventy-nine percent of companies are already using or planning to use social media in their business strategy. The No. 1 benefit organizations attribute to social media is increased awareness among target customers. Yet there is another often neglected benefit of …

The Compensation Connection: Aligning Rewards with Results

The state of the labor market is changing. Unemployment rates are dropping and companies are opening up hiring budgets. Organizations that believe employees are lucky to simply have a job in this economy are headed for trouble. The job market …