Articles by David Coons

Coons is senior vice president of The Jacobson Group, a provider of talent to the insurance industry. Phone: 800-466-1578. Email:

Breathe New Life into Your Old Performance Review Tactics

The end of the year is swiftly approaching, signaling that the time has come for the daunting task that all supervisors face — the employee performance review. Many hypotheses exist about how to execute employee assessments. The consensus is that …

Breathe New Life into Your Old Performance Review Tactics

The end of the year is swiftly approaching, signaling that the time has come for the daunting task that all supervisors face — the employee performance review. Many hypotheses exist about how to execute employee assessments. The consensus is that …

How to Recruit for the Perfect Culture Fit

Positive Work Environments Generate Lower Turnover Rates, Higher Employee Productivity Sometimes a candidate is perfect on paper but turns out to be completely wrong for the position. As the saying goes, you can’t fit a square peg in a round …