Articles by David Eggert

Michigan High Court to Reconsider Auto Accident Victims’ Right to Sue

The Michigan Supreme Court has set the stage for reversing a 2004 precedent that restricts when people injured in auto accidents can sue for pain and suffering. In a 4-3 order, the court decided to reconsider the case of man …

Michigan High Court to Reconsider Auto Accident Victims’ Right to Sue

The Michigan Supreme Court has set the stage for reversing a 2004 precedent that restricts when people injured in auto accidents can sue for pain and suffering. In a 4-3 order, the court decided to reconsider the case of man …

Michigan Supreme Court Cited as Culprit in Auto Insurance Cost Hike

Michigan drivers will pay $20 more this fiscal year to care for accident victims who have brain damage, paralysis or other catastrophic injuries. The culprit? Not the usual suspects such as escalating health care costs or a bad stock market, …

Some Question Michigan Judge’s Refusal to Recuse in Insurance Case

A Michigan Supreme Court justice’s decision not to recuse herself from a case that pertains to her husband’s profession contradicts the spirit of a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling on when judges should step aside because of possible conflicts of …

Michigan Termite Case Could Hike Liability for Real Estate Sellers

A dispute over termites now before the Michigan Supreme Court could affect the liability of sellers of real estate. When Richard and Stacey Roberts bought an old house for $475,000 on Michigan’s scenic Leelanau Peninsula, they thought the home’s other …

Michigan Doctors Back Bills to Report Unfit Drivers

Dr. Paul Cullis of Michigan says most patients who have had seizures or blackouts get the message loud and clear: Don’t drive for six months. But some get behind the wheel anyway, not waiting to see if their unconscious spells …

Mich. Gov. Renewing Push for Health Coverage for Uninsured

Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm is renewing a push to provide affordable health insurance to cover uninsured Michigan residents. Granholm, first unveiled the proposal in January, was expected to talk more about her plan while visiting a Lansing hospital. State Department …

Michigan Senate Votes to Tie Health Insurance to Behavior

Health insurers and HMOs in Michigan could offer financial incentives to smaller employers that want to reward workers for healthy behavior under legislation passed unanimously May 9 in the state Senate. Supporters of the bills said state law bars health …

Campaign Ad Attacks Michigan Supreme Court Justice as Insurers’ Lackey

An unknown group aired a television ad bashing Michigan Supreme Court Justice Stephen Markman, who was up for re-election. The negative ad was the first in the high court race, which had been relatively calm. A group that calls itself …