Articles by David Fogarty

Climate Scientists Praise Report on Hacked E-mail Scandal

Leading climate scientists on Thursday welcomed a British report that cleared researchers of exaggerating the effects of global warming and said they hoped it would restore faith in the fight against climate change [See IJ web site –]. The …

Study Finds Melting Mountains Put Millions at Risk in Asia

Increased melting of glaciers and snow in the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau threatens the food security of millions of people in Asia, a study shows, with Pakistan likely to be among the nations hardest hit. A team of scientists in …

Sources Indicate U.N. to Pick Costa Rica’s Figueres as New Climate Chief

Veteran Costa Rican climate diplomat Christiana Figueres is set to be appointed as the new United Nations climate chief, sources familiar with the matter said on Monday. The sources said U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon had chosen Figueres over former South …

Rate of Glacier Melting May be Key Clue to Tracking Climate Change

The world has become far too hot for the aptly named Exit Glacier in Alaska. Like many low-altitude glaciers, it’s steadily melting, shrinking two miles (3 kilometers) over the past 200 years as it tries to strike a new balance …

World Warming Unhindered by Cold Spells Say Scientists

The pace of global warming continues unabated, scientists said on Thursday, despite images of Europe crippled by a deep freeze and parts of the United States blasted by blizzards. The bitter cold, with more intense winter weather forecast for March …

Copenhagen: Billions in Aid Seen as Key to Climate Talks Success

The allure of $30 billion in climate aid for poor nations holds the key to helping restore confidence in U.N. talks on fighting global warming and stopping them from unraveling. But there’s only months to figure out a way to …

Kyoto Climate Pact Risks Dying, as No New Agreement is in Sight

Efforts to extend the Kyoto climate pact framework risk collapse in a setback to years of diplomatic bargains, as chances fade that the United States will join other rich nations in capping emissions. December’s U.N. climate conference in Denmark failed …

U.S. Senate Vote Dims Hopes for Stronger World Climate Pact

Hopes for stronger world action in 2010 to curb climate change have dimmed after the U.S. Democrats lost a key Senate seat to a Republican opposed to capping emissions, experts said Wednesday. The election of Republican Scott Brown, an opponent …

UN Climate Talks Open in Copenhagen; Deal ‘Within Reach’

The biggest climate talks in history opened on Monday with a stark U.N. warning of the risk of desertification and rising seas and an assurance by hosts Denmark that a deal to combat climate change was “within reach”. Politicians and …

What ‘Plan B’ for Copenhagen Climate Change Conference Might Look Like

Negotiators are already talking about “plan B” for the Copenhagen climate talks in December, with uncertainty growing that nations will be able to agree in time on a tougher and broader U.N. climate pact. While that might sound bad, some …