Articles by David Fogarty

Possible Outcomes of Copenhagen Climate Change Talks

The most anticipated climate meeting in years will be held in the Danish capital in December. Out of those talks a broader climate pact to replace the Kyoto Protocol is expected to emerge. But the negotiations leading up to Copenhagen …

Global Warming to Blame for 37% of Droughts Says Australian Scientist

Global warming is more than a third to blame for a major drop in rainfall that includes a decade-long drought in Australia and a lengthy dry spell in the United States, a scientist said on Wednesday. Peter Baines of Melbourne …

El Nino Study Challenges Global Warming Intensity Link

Research showing an El Nino event in 1918 was far stronger than previously thought is challenging the notion that climate change is making El Nino episodes more intense, a U.S. scientist said on Tuesday. El Nino causes global climate chaos …

Australia Bushfies ‘a Climate Change Wake-up Call’ Say Experts

Weekend bushfires in Australia that killed 173 people are a climate change wake-up call for the public and politicians and a window to the future, experts said on Tuesday. With the death toll still growing from the nation’s deadliest fires, …

Credit Crisis Poses Threat to Obama’s Carbon Trade Plans

U.S. President-elect Barack Obama’s credentials may be green, but gathering financial gloom means fixing the economy will take priority on his agenda before dealing with national carbon trading and clean-energy investment. Analysts and carbon brokers believe Obama’s support for an …