Articles by David Gram

Vermont to Become 1st State Requiring Drug Makers to Explain Price Hikes

Vermont is poised to become the first state requiring drug companies to explain their price increases, and Bob and Deborah Messing think that’s a good idea. The Messings live in Montpelier and are in their early 70s. She’s on Orencia, …

A Drive to Help the Poor Get Back Behind the Wheel

Zia Gbau, who came to Vermont as a refugee from the Republic of Congo, suffered a serious stroke last year and was unable to work for several months. Without money, his truck fell into disrepair, and he got two tickets …

Vermont Lawmakers Weigh Roadside Spit Test to Detect Drugged Driving

Vermont is one of a growing number of states looking at following Colorado and Washington’s lead by legalizing marijuana, but there’s a problem. How can police identify those too stoned to drive? The Vermont House Transportation Committee is considering a …

IRS, States Target Employers’ Use of Independent Contractors

The Internal Revenue Service and 37 states are cracking down on companies that try to trim payroll costs by illegally classifying workers as independent contractors, rather than as full employees, The Associated Press has learned. The practice costs governments billions …

Suspended Vermont Doctor Faces 21 Counts of Unprofessional Conduct

A former Burlington, Vt. eye doctor who beat federal fraud charges for performing allegedly unnecessary cataract surgeries has lost his latest battle, with a finding by the state Board of Medical Practice that he engaged in unprofessional conduct. Attorney General …

Captive Insurance Industry Fears IRS Rule Change on Reserves

Captive insurance industry insiders say proposed changes to Internal Revenue Service rules could hurt the industry that in Vermont alone supports 1,400 high-paying jobs. The IRS rules would end the deductible status of “reserves” kept by captive insurance companies — …

Vermont House Moves Seat Belt, Cell Phone, Teen Driving Bill

The Vermont House advanced a bill this week that toughens the state’s seat belt law and bans chatty motorists from using anything but a “handsfree” cell phone while driving. The bill given preliminary approval by the House also would impose …

Vermont Diocese Found Lacking in Anti-Abuse Audit

Vermont’s Catholic Diocese has met most of the standards set by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops to prevent sexual abuse by priests, but came up short in training volunteers, an audit has found. Vermont and the Cincinnati diocese were …

Health Providers’ Social Security Numbers Mistakenly Posted in Vermont

At least several hundred, likely more, Social Security numbers of Vermont health care providers were posted to the Internet in a state contractor’s mistake that officials were scrambling to fix Friday. Human Resources Commissioner Linda McIntire said the names and …

Vermont Court Says Drug Maker Owes $6.8M for Woman’s Amputation

Drug maker Wyeth must pay nearly $6.8 million to a Vermont woman whose arm had to be amputated after she was injected with one of its medications, the Vermont Supreme Court ruled, upholding a lower court’s ruling. In a case …