Articles by David Henry and Rick Rothacker

Banks Still Face Legal Claims After $25 Billion Settlement

A landmark $25 billion settlement over foreclosure abuses will allow large banks to resolve one piece of their mortgage-related problems. But it still leaves them exposed to a wide range of lawsuits and other claims related to the housing crisis. …

SEC Concedes Challenges in Probes of Rating Agencies

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission faces hurdles proving wrongdoing at credit-rating agencies, the agency’s enforcement chief said, pointing to the complexity of the cases and the industry’s strong legal defenses. SEC Enforcement Director Robert Khuzami’s comments to Reuters came …

Mid-Size Firms Expect Higher Profits, More Borrowing: Poll

Nearly two-thirds of mid-size U.S. companies expect higher profits in the next 12 months, and many plan to borrow more and increase hiring and investment, according to a survey by JPMorgan Chase & Co. The survey highlights one of the …