Articles by David Lawder and Anthony Esposito

U.S., Canada, Mexico Conclude First Round of Talks on NAFTA

The United States, Canada and Mexico wrapped up their first round of talks on Sunday to revamp the NAFTA trade pact, vowing to keep up a blistering pace of negotiations that some involved in the process said may be too …

Under Republican Health Plan, 24 Million Could Lose Insurance While Deficit Is Cut $337 Billion: CBO

Fourteen million Americans would lose medical insurance by next year under a Republican plan to dismantle Obamacare that would also reduce the budget deficit, the nonpartisan U.S. Congressional Budget Office said on Monday. The CBO report, which also dealt a …

Exiting U.S. Trade Rep Urges Trump to Uphold Trans-Pacific Trade Deal

President Barack Obama’s departing chief trade negotiator warned the Trump administration on Tuesday that it risked abdicating U.S. leadership in Asia by scrapping Obama’s 12-country Pacific Rim free trade deal. Michael Froman, in excerpts of his final speech as U.S. …

House Advances Export Import Bank Bill

The dormant U.S. Export-Import bank moved a step closer to revival on Monday as Republicans and Democrats approved a rarely successful maneuver to force a vote to renew the trade lender’s charter. The move effectively bypasses House Financial Services Committee …

Congress Leaves Export-Import Bank Facing Lending, Insurance Lapse

The U.S. Export-Import Bank faced an imminent shutdown of its new lending and insurance activities as lawmakers left Washington on Thursday for an 11-day break without renewing the trade lender’s charter. Ex-Im’s authority to make new loans or write new …

Affordable Care Act Cost Estimate Drops Due to Lower Subsidies, Enrollment

U.S. Congressional forecasters on Monday once again cut their estimate of Affordable Care Act health insurance coverage costs, citing unexpectedly less spending on premium subsidies and lower enrollment rates through exchanges set up under the 2010 reform. The $142 billion …

Small Businesses Lobby for Export-Import Bank

If the battle over the U.S. Export-Import Bank is Washington’s latest political tempest, then Don Nelson from Bakersfield, California is aiming at the eye of the storm. Nelson’s small oilfield equipment company is part of new House Majority Leader Kevin …

Senate Passes $50 Billion Sandy Aid Package; Bill Goes to Obama

A long-delayed $50.5 billion aid package for victims of Superstorm Sandy cleared the Senate on Monday, three months after the storm destroyed or damaged hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses in coastal New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. The …

House Sends $50.5 Billion Sandy Disaster Aid Bill to Senate

The House of Representatives on Tuesday approved $50.5 billion in long-delayed federal disaster aid to victims of Superstorm Sandy, but not before Republicans flexed their budget-cutting muscle to strike some spending provisions. The aid package for the storm that ravaged …

House Republicans Look to Split $60B Sandy Aid Bill in Half

The U.S. House of Representatives is expected to split a $60.4 billion Superstorm Sandy disaster aid bill into two parts, staging votes on $27 billion to fund immediate recovery needs and $33 billion for long-term and other projects, Republican lawmakers …