Articles by David Morgan

How Much Do U.S. Health Insurance Tax Breaks and Subsidies Cost?

U.S. taxpayers will fork over $660 billion this year to subsidize health insurance for people under 65, the vast majority of whom have coverage through their employers, the Congressional Budget Office said on Thursday. In its most comprehensive report on …

Obama Administration Names Task Force to Create Drone Registry

The Obama administration said on Monday that it would require drone owners to register their unmanned aircraft as part of an effort to curtail rogue drone flights that pose a danger to commercial aircraft and crowded public venues. U.S. Transportation …

How Regulators Caught Volkswagen’s Diesel Deception

The confession of cheating that’s embroiled Volkswagen AG in one of the biggest scandals in auto industry history came on a cool California morning, on the sidelines of an academic conference focused on green transportation. After more than a year …

Key Car Makers to Make Automatic Braking Standard Equipment in U.S.

A group of major automakers accounting for more than half of U.S. auto sales will make automatic emergency braking standard on new U.S. vehicles in one of the industry’s biggest auto safety moves since it embraced technology to prevent rollovers …

Congress May Move to Slow Illegal Drones

U.S. lawmakers are considering steps to reverse a disturbing rise in illegal drone flights, including new government enforcement tools to crack down on rogue flyers, especially near airports, according to people familiar with the matter. Discussions in the House of …

Most Small Railroads to Miss Brake Safety Deadline, Says NHTSA

Only a small number of U.S. railroads will meet the Dec. 31 deadline for implementing new train safety technology that experts say would have prevented the deadly May 12 Amtrak derailment in Philadelphia, officials said on Friday. A report to …

Car Hacking Risk Could Be More Widespread

The cybersecurity issues that led Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV to recall 1.4 million vehicles this month could pose a problem for cars and trucks from other automakers, the top U.S. auto safety regulator said on Friday. Mark Rosekind, who heads …

U.S. Issues Final Oil Train Safety Rules

The Obama administration on Wednesday released a new regulation intended to prevent explosive rail disasters such as the 2013 oil train derailment that killed 47 people and destroyed part of Lac-Megantic, Quebec. The new rule by the Federal Railroad Administration …

Report Calls for Overhaul of U.S. Auto Safety Agency

The U.S. auto safety watchdog is racked by internal problems that have prevented the agency from acting to protect the public from deadly auto defects, including faulty GM ignition switches, according to federal investigators. An official U.S. Department of Transportation …

U.S. Vows Commercial Drone Rules Within a Year

U.S. commercial drone operations could take flight on a large scale by this time next year, as federal regulators finalize rules allowing widespread unmanned aerial system use by companies, according to congressional testimony on Wednesday. A senior Federal Aviation Administration …