Articles by David Morgan

U.S. Pushes for Collision Prevention Technology on All New Cars, Trucks

U.S. safety officials this week called on automakers to begin installing collision avoidance systems in all new passenger and commercial vehicles, saying existing technology could save lives and avoid injuries by reducing rear-end collisions. The National Transportation Safety Board said …

Safety Chief Rosekind Shifts Defective Car Oversight into Overdrive

The U.S. auto safety watchdog, long criticized as toothless and slow, is showing both bark and bite under its new boss – a testimony to his credentials as a safety expert and a hardening of the administration’s policy after a …

Takata Agrees to Recall 34 Million Cars for Air Bag Replacement

Japanese air bag manufacturer Takata Corp. is doubling a recall of potentially deadly air bags to nearly 34 million vehicles, making it the largest automotive recall in American history, U.S. safety regulators said on Tuesday. The recall involves passenger- and …

U.S. to Streamline Approval for Commercial Drone Use

The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration plans to unveil new steps soon to make it easier for companies to use drone aircraft for specific business operations, according to people with knowledge of the matter. Commercial drone flights are generally banned in …

What Will States Do If Court Kills Health Insurance Subsidies?

Five Republican state governors say they will not rescue a crucial part of Obamacare if it is struck down by the Supreme Court, underlining the prospect for a chaotic aftermath to a ruling that could force millions of Americans to …

Study Finds Big Disparities in Local Prices for Hip, Knee Surgeries

Hip and knee replacements, two of the fastest-growing U.S. medical procedures, are subject to huge – and apparently random – price variations within the same geographical areas, a new insurance industry study said this week. The study by Blue Cross …

Obamacare Enrollment Forecast Cut by 30%

The U.S. administration on Monday dramatically cut expectations for 2015 Obamacare enrollment, saying it aims to have a total of 9.1 million people enrolled in government-backed federal and state health insurance marketplaces next year. The stated goal, 30 percent lower …

Administration Shores Up Management of HealthCare.Gov

President Barack Obama‘s new health secretary moved swiftly on Friday to shore up administration oversight of Obamacare with a series of management changes to address weaknesses blamed for last year’s crash of the federal website, U.S. Health and Human …

Republican Bill Targets ‘Bailout’ of Health Insurers

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio, a prominent Republican critic of President Barack Obama’s healthcare law, unveiled legislation on Tuesday to make sure Obamacare would not add to the deficit by compensating insurance companies for possible losses. The 2010 healthcare law includes …

Obamacare Reaches Enrollment Milestone But Faces Obstacles Ahead

President Barack Obama’s embattled U.S. healthcare law, having survived a rollout marred by technology failures, reaches a milestone on Monday with the end of its first enrollment wave, and with the administration likely to come close to its goal of …