Articles by David Morgan

White House Disputes CBO Claim That Obamacare to Cost 2 Million Jobs in 2017

The Congressional Budget Office said on Tuesday in a report that President Barack Obama’s healthcare law will reduce American workforce participation by the equivalent of 2 million full-time jobs in 2017, a finding that could fuel Republican efforts to paint …

Time Running Out to Fix Obamacare Glitches: Experts

The Obama administration has a little over a month to fix the technology problems crippling its online health insurance marketplace, or jeopardize the goal of signing up millions of Americans in time for benefits under President Barack Obama’s healthcare law, …

Obamacare Day 3: High Demand, Enrollment Glitches Persist

Americans trying to find out how much health coverage will cost under Obamacare endured a third day of limited access to new online health insurance exchanges on Thursday, leading to a growing backlog of people waiting to enter the system. …

Will Obamacare Really Hurt Workers?

A top U.S. healthcare official on Thursday challenged claims by Republican lawmakers that the country’s healthcare reform law is causing workers to lose hours or benefits, saying she is aware of only isolated cutbacks. At a stormy House of Representatives …

Testing of Health Exchanges’ Technology Planned for September

The Obama administration is preparing to subject the information technology backbone of the new state and federal healthcare exchanges to final “dress rehearsal” testing that could continue until just before the online marketplaces are slated to begin enrollment on Oct. …

Administration Says Obamacare to Lower Insurance Premiums More Than Forecast

Hoping to gain the high ground in an escalating war of words over Obamacare, the U.S. administration on Thursday forecast sharply lower than expected insurance costs for consumers and small businesses in new online state healthcare exchanges. A report by …

Another Obamacare Requirement Delayed

Days after delaying health insurance requirements for employers, the Obama administration has decided to roll back requirements for new state online insurance marketplaces to verify the income and health coverage status of people who apply for subsidized coverage. President Barack …

New ‘Obamacare’ Exchanges Could Miss Enrollment Deadline: GAO

New health insurance exchanges being set up by the federal government in more than 30 states under President Barack Obama’s 2010 healthcare overhaul could miss an Oct. 1 deadline for open enrollment, a government report said on Wednesday. The launch …

GOP Questions Fundraising for Obamacare

With the White House already reeling from three major controversies, some Republican lawmakers are zeroing in on what they perceive is another possible scandal tied to President Barack Obama’s landmark health reform law just as it nears implementation. On top …

Republicans Renew Push for Repeal of Obamacare

The White House announced a new $150 million initiative on Thursday to get uninsured Americans covered under President Barack Obama’s healthcare reform law, as Republicans raised the volume on their calls for “Obamacare” to be repealed. The enrollment program will …