Articles by David Morgan

Hospital Charges Vary Widely, Even Within Cities: U.S. Data

The Obama administration revealed what over 3,000 hospitals charge for common medical procedures in an early effort to challenge healthcare costs by showing consumers how prices for the same service can vary by tens of thousands of dollars. The most …

Senate Democrat Criticizes Healthcare Law Education; Sebelius Cites Lack of Funding

A Democratic senator who helped craft President Barack Obama’s signature healthcare law gave the administration “a failing grade” on Wednesday for its efforts to educate the public and small employers about sweeping changes due to take effect in eight months. …

Obamacare to Hike Some, Lower Other Individual Health Premiums: Sebelius

President Barack Obama’s top healthcare adviser acknowledged on Tuesday that costs could rise in the individual health insurance market, particularly for men and younger people, because of the landmark 2010 healthcare restructuring due to take effect next year. U.S. Health …

Lobbyists Keep Battling As Obamacare Turns 3

Eight months before President Barack Obama’s health care law goes prime time, a confederation of industry and business groups is ramping up its lobbying apparatus for an 11th-hour assault on the web of new taxes and regulations. Medical device makers, …

Health Cost Savings Innovations Need Time: Obama Official

The Obama administration on Wednesday said its experiments at controlling healthcare costs could need up to a year to produce results, frustrating congressional lawmakers eager to know if new innovations in care delivery can actually work. Dr. Richard Gilfillan, who …

Rate Cap for Older Insureds to Mean Higher Health Insurance Costs for Younger

The Obama administration on Friday finalized new consumer safeguards for health insurance that impose tighter restrictions on what insurers can charge older customers, despite industry warnings that the young may be forced to pay more as a result. The Department …

Administration Issues Final Rule on Minimum Benefits Under Obamacare

The Obama administration on Wednesday issued its long-awaited final rule on what states and insurers must do to provide the essential health benefits required in the individual and small-group market beginning in 2014 under the healthcare reform law. A cornerstone …

Catholic Bishops Urge Birth Control Reprieve in Fiscal Bills

U.S. Roman Catholic bishops stepped up their battle against President Obama’s contraceptives policy on Friday by urging Congress to use its fiscal debate to free religious employers from a mandate requiring insurance coverage for birth control. In a letter to …

Obama Administration Says Health Insurance Exchanges on Track

The Obama administration on Thursday assured U.S. lawmakers that it is on track to enroll millions of people in new state health insurance markets, but it quickly came under fire from Republicans and Democrats about how costly the coverage may …

Catholic Bishops Reject Obama Compromise on Contraception Coverage

U.S. Roman Catholic bishops on Thursday rejected the Obama Administration’s latest bid for compromise over a hotly disputed health policy that requires employees at religiously affiliated institutions to have access to insurance coverage for contraceptives. Cardinal Timothy Donlan of New …