Articles by Jeremy Hill and Dawn McCarty

$2,300 Phone Call. $1,000 Cab Ride. Purdue Runs Up $400M Bankruptcy Tab.

One phone call with the Department of Justice: $2,300. Two days at the Ritz-Carlton: $830. Oh, and a lengthy cab ride to and from the court in White Plains, New York — that’ll be $1,000. Those are just some of …

NFL’s Concussion Claims Could Reach $950 Million

The National Football League will have to pay about $950 million to resolve players’ head-injury claims, based on estimates that fewer than one in five will seek compensation for injuries eligible for cash awards, according to a newly released report. …

Judge Tells Freedom Industries to Keep West Virginians Informed

Freedom Industries Inc., the chemical company that filed for bankruptcy after a leaky storage tank tainted the water supply in West Virginia, was ordered to do a better job of keeping the public informed. In a court filing yesterday, U.S. …

Church Investor Sues Wal-Mart Over Sale of Guns, ‘Offensive’ Music

Wal-Mart Stores Inc.’s sale of sexually charged music and high-capacity weapons hurts the company’s image, an historic Wall Street church said in a lawsuit seeking to force a shareholder vote on tightening board oversight of products that offend “family values.” …

How Alabama County’s $4.2B Bankruptcy Plan Affects Insurers, Other Debtholders

Jefferson County, Alabama, filed a plan to end the biggest U.S. municipal bankruptcy later this year by cutting $1.2 billion in principal payments to investors holding defaulted sewer-related debt. Less than $100 million of the county’s $4.2 billion in debt …