Articles by Dena Aubin

Shareolders Using ‘Say-on-Pay’ Votes in Lawsuits Against Boards

Shareholders upset with ever-higher executive compensation packages are using new “say-on-pay” votes to challenge the payouts in court, a tactic raising eyebrows among legal experts. The lawsuits are zeroing in on companies that lose these advisory votes by shareholders on …

New York Suit Against Accountant Over Lehman Takes Detour

New York state regulators face their first test soon in their accounting fraud lawsuit against Ernst & Young LLP over its role as auditor for Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. The first major government legal action stemming from Lehman’s 2008 bankruptcy …

Auditors Successful in Defending Against Investor Lawsuits

Investors looking to pin blame on auditors for failing to flag risks ahead of the credit crisis are having a hard time getting their cases to stick. All of the “Big Four” auditors have been sued by investors who collectively …

SEC Wants Fuller Disclosure of Lawsuit Costs

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is asking for better disclosure from companies on potential costs of lawsuits and other contingencies, an official of the agency said on Tuesday. “We see companies having pages and pages of information but saying …

Most Bond Insurers Still Plagued by Troubled Assets

Most bond insurers are headed for liquidation or run-off as losses from troubled assets linger, an analyst at independent research firm CreditSights said Tuesday. While some insurers, such as MBIA and Ambac , are stronger than others, “we think the …