Articles by Dawn Love

Homeowners Moving to the West Coast

Whether your client owns a multi-million dollar home overlooking the Pacific Ocean or a small bungalow tucked away a mile from the beach, it is your responsibility to find the right homeowners insurance coverage that will protect him or her …

Some 200 Insurance-Related Bills Introduced in California Legislature

About 200 insurance-related bills have been introduced in the California Legislature this session, according to The Association of California Insurance Companies. “We expect during the upcoming months that the issues of workers’ compensation, homeowners insurance, auto insurance and insurer investments …

CIGA Executive Director Announces Retirement

The California Insurance Guarantee Association, an organization that pays the claims of insolvent insurance carriers, recently announced that Executive Director Lawrence Mulryan will retire after 13 years of service. Mulryan will continue to serve as executive director until June 30, …

We’ve Come a Long, Long Way Together

It’s been almost a year now since California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed SB 899 into law, giving the state’s troubled workers’ compensation system an overhaul on April 19, 2004. Businesses expected their workers’ comp premiums to go down as much …

Utah Court Rules in Favor of Workers Compensation Fund

A Utah court ruled in favor of Workers Compensation Fund in February, stating that the state has no ownership in the Fund except as a policyholder. In Utah State Auditor v. Workers Compensation Fund, Utah District Judge Leslie A. Lewis …

Heads Up! Employees at Large

Wal-Mart, Morgan Stanley, Boeing, Texaco, State Farm and Farmers have all been the targets of recent employment practices lawsuits. Wal-Mart was hit with sexual harassment charges. Farmers was sued for wrongful termination. Morgan Stanley and State Farm allegedly engaged in …

Targeting Generations X and Y: How to Attract and Retain Young Customers

Are you a baby boomer? Or do you consider yourself a Gen Xer? Or are you a part of the youngest generation, Generation Y? No matter what your age, as an agent or broker, a sure way to grow your …

Targeting Generations X and Y: How to Attract and Retain Young Customers

Are you a baby boomer? Or do you consider yourself a Gen X’er? Or are you a part of the youngest generation, Generation Y? No matter what your age, as an agent or broker, a sure way to grow your …

Washington All Industry Day: Associations Discuss Broker Disclosure

Broker disclosure, medical malpractice reform and credit scoring dominated the discussions at the Washington All Insurance Industry Day at the Capital held Feb. 10. Over 170 independent agents gathered to learn about important legislative issues and to meet with Washington …

Utah Flooding Causes More than $150 Million in Damages

Southwestern Utah has not been declared a federal disaster area despite more than $150 million in damages caused by flooding in mid-January. St. George and the surrounding areas in Washington County were the hardest hit after the Santa Clara River …