Articles by Don Jergler

Experts: Insurance Distribution Future Online and Personalized

The future of insurance distribution was discussed at the CPCU Society’s annual All Industry Day in California on Tuesday. The day-long conference at the Sportsmen’s Lodge in Studio City included panels on the economy, business interruption and cyber liability. During …

California’s Industrial Director Challenges Workers’ Comp Report

California’s Department of Industrial Relations Director it taking a bit of umbrage with a study released last week that showed the state was ranked as the costliest for workers’ compensation. Despite major workers’ comp reforms signed into law in 2012 …

How States Rank, High to Low, in Workers’ Compensation Premiums

A list of state rankings for workers’ compensation premiums shows a slight drop in premiums in the last two years, and that a number of states are close in terms of how much employers are paying. The list put out …

California Costliest State for Workers’ Comp, Report Shows

A state-by-state ranking of workers’ compensation premiums, one that states reportedly use as a motivational call to improve their systems, seems to call for more reform of California’s recently reformed system. Despite major workers’ comp reforms signed into law in …

Study: Formulary Could Save California Workers’ Comp $124M-$420M

Adopting a state-mandated workers’ compensation prescription drug formulary similar to systems in place in Texas and Washington could reduce California workers’ comp pharmacy payments by between $124 million and $420 million per year, a California Workers’ Compensation Institute study shows. …

Best Agency to Work For – West

Aloha Bolton Best in West Bolton & Co. – Pasadena, California Say aloha for the best agency in the Western U.S. to work for. A skeptic might say that Pasadena, Calif.-based Bolton & Co. essentially bribed its employees to love …

Experts: New Normal Creating Need for More Predictive Modeling

A “new normal” has created the need for catastrophe modeling to move from historic to predictive methods of looking at extreme weather risk, according to a panel of risk experts speaking in September at the annual Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter …

Both Sides of California’s Health Rate Initiative Make Prop. 103 Comparison

Opponents of Proposition 45 on the upcoming California ballot like to draw a comparison with Proposition 103, the state’s primary auto insurance law. So do its backers. Prop. 45 seems to have slipped in the polls. A Field Poll in …

Marijuana and Workers’ Compensation on Industry’s Watch List

Editor’s Note: This is the third in a series of articles on the the marijuana insurance industry. Upcoming stories will include reports on potential changes to federal laws, and regional reports on how medical marijuana is impacting insurance in states …

Attribution Science, Extreme Weather and Why They Matter

There is a love-hate relationship with the word “new.” It’s used far too often, but without it as a preface some of us don’t bother to pay attention to what’s coming next. A “new task” scientists have grappled with in …