Articles by Don Jergler

Report: 1-in-6 Construction Workers in California Part of ‘Informal Economy’

A report by the nonprofit research group Economic Roundtable released over the Labor Day holiday found that one-in-six construction workers in California fell into the state’s “informal economy,” an economy that cost the workers’ compensation market $264 million among other …

Busy Week for Those Assessing Damage from Napa Quake

“It’s been a busy week,” said Glen Pomeroy, CEO of the California Earthquake Authority. The magnitude 6.1 earthquake that struck Northern California in the early hours of Aug. 24 may cause up to $4 billion in economic losses by some …

Underwriting and an EICy Approach to Climate Change

Floating together in a muck of alphabet soup the insurance industry, the government and the scientific community can be assured success in at least one thing amid their combined efforts to deal with climate change. It’s not an OMG revelation, …

Premium for Most Expensive Car Close to Income for Typical American Family

A Ferrari 250 GTO Berlinetta last week became easily the most expensive car sold at auction by when a bidder at a California auction agreed to buy it for $38.1 million, according to Hagerty Group LLC, a Traverse City, Michigan-based …

IRC: Uninsured Motorists a Perplexing, Pervasive Concern

A new report shows there hasn’t been much ground gained in the battle to reduce the number of uninsured motorists on the road, and there’s nowhere experts can point their fingers as an explanation of the pervasive problem. From a …

Drought Weakens Links in Supply Chain Metaphor

The weakest link in the great global economic cog is the gazillion supply chains that bind us all. At one time these chains were an ironic metaphor. Instead of shackling companies, supply chains were providing ever greater freedom and flexibility …

Hartwig Turns Back King Hammurabi’s Playbook on Resilience

The U.S. government may be starting to embrace concepts that date back to Babylonian King Hammurabi’s reign 3,800 years ago. When President Barack Obama on July 16 issued climate change initiatives on guarding the electricity supply, improving flood planning, protecting …

California Workers’ Comp Officials Continue to Praise Reforms

Touting California’s still-young workers’ compensation reform law as a “pragmatic middle” compromise that seems to be working, two of the top officials responsible for the system talked up some of the reform’s finer points on last month. David Lanier, secretary …

UnitedHealth’s $173M Fine May Be Warning to P/C Insurers

A decision by California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones to fine UnitedHealth Group $173.6 million for violations having to do with the Unfair Business Practices Act, the Unfair Insurance Practice Act and unfair claims settlements may be a wakeup call for …

Hartwig Turns Back King Hammurabi’s Playbook on Resilience

The U.S. government today may be starting to embrace concepts that date back to Babylonian King Hammurabi’s reign some 3,800 years ago. When President Barack Obama on July 16 issued a set of climate change initiatives encouraging steps like guarding …