Articles by Don Jergler

TNCs, Insurers Square Off at California Hearing

Update: California Commissioner Dave Jones made his initial recommendations on insurance issues and transportation network companies. Update: Excess and surplus carrier James River Insurance Co. said it’s not leaving the business despite reports from some TNCs at a public hearing …

Small Workers’ Comp Carrier Exits California

Public Service Mutual Insurance Co.’s exit from California’s workers’ compensation market isn’t a reflection of the health of the state’s workers’ comp system, according to the California Department of Insurance. The workers’ comp carrier is part of the Magna Carta …

Uber Announces New Policy to Cover Gap

Ridesharing company Uber on Friday said it has new insurance to cover a gap between personal and commercial policies when drivers are using the app-based ridesharing service, while the company’s CEO said the San Franciscso-based firm is also working with …

Colorado Bill Would Exclude Uber Drivers Until Summoned

A bill on ridesharing in Colorado passed by state Senate on Monday paints a “bright line” between when users of the app-based services are driving for personal reasons and when they are providing a commercial service. Senate Bill 125 would …

Former California State Fund Executive Fined for Conflict of Interest

A former top executive at California’s State Compensation Insurance Fund has admitted to charges of a conflict of interest in awarding contacts to a software firm while he was at State Fund, it was made public in February by the …

Cost Savings in California Workers’ Comp Reform May Fall Short

California’s sweeping workers’ compensation reform is working for the most part, but some of the savings may not materialize thanks to pressure on the system, according to Dave Bellusci, executive vice president, chief operating officer and chief actuary at the …

Secret Service Agent Says Many Cyber Breaches Go Unreported

Many breaches in data security may be going unreported by American businesses. That’s according to Kirk Arthur, supervisory special agent for the U.S. Secret Service’s San Francisco field office. “Businesses simply don’t report it,” said Arthur, who was speaking in …

Seattle Mayor Warns of Uber Crackdown

Uber Technologies Inc. and other taxi services that let people summon drivers by smartphone might be shut down in Seattle if they don’t carry more insurance, Mayor Ed Murray said. “They have to start accepting a certain level of regulation,” …

Southern California’s Construction Sector Continues to Heat

Southern California’s construction sector continues to gain momentum, making good on positive outlooks issued late last year, and agents and brokers who deal in this segment can’t be any happier – especially those who remember the historically rough times that …

Former California State Fund Executive Fined for Conflict of Interest

A former top executive at California’s State Compensation Insurance Fund has admitted to charges of a conflict of interest in awarding contacts to a software firm while he was at State Fund, it was made public on Friday by the …