Articles by Don Jergler

As Super Bowl Approaches a Former NBA Player Reflects on Cumulative Injury

Most of us who sit down with our beverages and snacks to watch one of the biggest events in pro sports on Sunday won’t have things like workers’ compensation and cumulative injury on our minds. Just Brady vs. Ryan, Quinn …

California Surplus Lines Are Now A Bigger Chunk of the Commercial Market

The phrase “new normal” might be a cliché, but it was too hard for Ben McKay, executive director of the Surplus Lines Association of California, to avoid using when describing the state’s excess and surplus market in 2016 and going …

California Wholesalers Conference Tackled Everything from Marijuana to Trump

How legalized marijuana and President-elect Donald Trump will affect the insurance industry. A possible merger of the nation’s two major excess and surplus lines organizations. Renewing the National Flood Insurance Protection Program. California laws expected for 2017. There were no …

California’s Climate Risk Database Calls Out Insurer Carbon Investments

A new interactive database with extensive information on insurer investments in fossil fuels was unveiled today by California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones. Jones released the results of his Climate Risk Carbon Initiative, which include information on the amount of oil, …

New Climate Index Shows Extreme Weather Is Now 3 Times More Frequent

Extreme weather over the last five years has been occurring with a regularity that’s about three times the norm, according to a newly created index from a group of number crunchers. The Actuaries Climate Index, which was officially launched near …

California Wholesalers Conference Tackled Everything from Marijuana to Trump

How legalized marijuana and President-elect Donald Trump will affect the insurance industry, a possible merger of the nation’s two major excess and surplus lines organizations, renewing the National Flood Insurance Protection Program, California laws expected for 2017, incremental insurance. There …

Oakland Warehouse Fire Has Some Insurance Pros on Alert

People in the business of insuring warehouses, especially those where artists may be tenants, have been on high alert since a deadly fire on Dec. 2, 2016, broke out in a converted warehouse in Oakland, Calif. The so-called “Ghost Ship” …

West Regulation Report Card: California Most Politicized State

A report gives California’s insurance regulatory environment low marks for auto body repair rules, the insurance commissioner’s call for insurers to divest from coal, its prior approval law and being the “most politicized state in the country.” California was given …

Trump vs. California Climate Battle Brewing

California vs. Trump, so to speak, is shaping up to be a heavyweight match. On one side is the world’s sixth (or so) largest economy – home to Disneyland, Hollywood and Big Sur. On the other is the reality show …

West Regulation Report Card: California Most Politicized State

A report gives California’s insurance regulatory environment low marks for auto body repair rules, the insurance commissioner’s call for insurers to divest from coal, its prior approval law and being the “most politicized state in the country.” California was given …