Articles by Don Jergler

California Company Says CDI Wrongly Halting Sales of Workers’ Comp Product

The head of a business providing worker’s compensation and other benefits that was issued a cease and desist notice from the California Department of Insurance this week says the notice was wrongly issued. The CDI issued the notice to stop …

Could More State Commissioners Require Climate Disclosure?

Max Messervy took a decidedly positive tack when pried again and again to reveal any negative reaction to a report he puts together every so often. Messervy, the insurance program manager at sustainability leadership advocate Ceres, is one of the …

More Insurers Disclosing Climate Change Risks, Report Shows

Insurers in the U.S. are increasingly willing to disclose their risk management practices related to climate change, and that in part may be attributable to last year’s global accord in Paris and shifting attitudes in the business world on the …

Report Shows California and New Jersey Have Highest Workers’ Comp Rates

California and New Jersey had the nation’s most expensive workers’ compensation rates, while North Dakota had the lowest rates in the nation, a new report shows. A report released this week by the Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services …

New California Workers’ Comp Law on Excluded Employees Causing Headaches

In advance of a possible headache brewing for workers’ compensation providers, California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones on Monday notified all workers’ comp insurers writing policies in the state about changes to procedures related to excluded employees created by a new …

Looking at Injured Worker Benefits from California Comp Reforms out to 2020

Will workers’ compensation benefits from California’s sweeping reform law passed in 2012 help or hurt injured employees over the next four years? Some people didn’t want to wait until 2020 to answer that question. The Santa Monica-based think tank Rand …

Insurance Agent, Industry Leader Bolton Remembered as Friend and Mentor

William Bolton, head of a large national brokerage, leader of an influential regional brokers group and chairman of Assurex Global during his nearly half-a-century in insurance, is being remembered by those close to him as a friend and mentor. Bolton …

You Should Be Able to Buy Stock in This Climate-Friendly Beer

Beer and coffee make nice bookends. One before the other can put you in the right frame of mind – I usually like coffee before beer, but whichever comes first all depends on what frame you want to be in. …

Lien Consolidation Court, Fraud Part of Focus at California Comp Conference

The state’s top two labor officials were understandably high on the impact they expect two bills recently signed by Gov. Jerry Brown will have on California’s workers’ comp system and bad actors who have clogged the lien process and driven …

Berkshire’s Applied Underwriters Defends Workers’ Comp Products, Says Brokers Should Not Be at Risk

Legal and regulatory squabbles in New York, California and other states involving Berkshire Hathaway and its Applied Underwriter affiliates over particular workers’ compensation products should not have any negative effects on brokers who dealt with the products, according to a …