Articles by Don Jergler

Chilling Out Will Be Answer to Climate Change, Scientist Says

What to do about a warming planet? Just crank up the air-conditioning. No one’s being a smart aleck, and you won’t find any sarcasm in a recent study by a Stanford University professor that shows what it will feel like …

Court Decision May Impact Workers’ Comp Side Agreements in California

A recent court decision may have the potential to change the practice of side agreements in workers’ compensation policies California, a practice that some say often goes on under the regulatory radar. Zurich American Insurance Co. and American Zurich Insurance …

Report: California Workers’ Comp Premiums Growing at Double-Digit Rates

Workers’ compensation premiums in California continue to grow at double-digit rates, according to the Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau. The WCIRB recently released its “State of the California Worker’s Compensation Report,” and authors of the report on Wednesday highlighted developing …

Arizona Supreme Court Ruling May Expose Agents to Lawsuits

An Arizona Supreme Court ruling in July may expose agents who write auto policies to malpractice lawsuits if they are accused of failing to inform their customers about uninsured and underinsured motorists coverage — even with a signed waiver acknowledging …

Personal Lines Opportunities New and Old

A Conning report on changing personal line dynamics notes some interesting opportunities for insurers and distributors. Projections show for a rapid increase in the number of people in the 65-plus group over the next 10 years. This aging U.S. population …

Evolving Consumer Base Is Changing Personal Lines: Conning

There are “far-reaching implications” for personal lines insurers and the products and services they provide as the U.S. continues to undergo changes in its demographic structure, an industry report states. The third annual overview of personal lines insurance consumer markets …

Is Climate Change Now Its Own Industry?

Interest in climate change is becoming an increasingly powerful economic driver, so much so that some see it as an industry in itself whose growth is driven in large part by policymaking. The $1.5 trillion global “climate change industry” grew …

Oregon Workplace Deaths Down in Second Quarter of 2015, Report Shows

Workplace deaths in Oregon for the second quarter of 2015 were down markedly from the previous quarter, possibly resuming a long-turn trend of deaths on average falling steadily since the 1980s, according to the the state bureau that tracks the …

California Agents Get Creative to Sell Rideshare Endorsement

Kathy Lamm, an insurance agent in Costa Mesa, Calif., over the past month or two has been busy selling a ridesharing endorsement that Farmers Insurance Group introduced in California in late May. Lamm started spreading the word soon after the …

Small Number Causing California Workers’ Comp Review Excess

A small number of physicians are responsible for a large portion of the independent medical review of workers’ compensation cases in California, a process that could be costing payers in excess of $100 million, a report shows. The IMR process …