Articles by Michael R. Blood and Don Thompson

Building of $7B Legal Pot Economy Underway in California

The future of California’s legal marijuana industry is being shaped in a warren of cubicles tucked inside a retired basketball arena, where a garden of paper cannabis leaves sprouts on file cabinets and a burlap sack advertising “USA Home Grown” …

More California Drivers Spotted Using Cellphones, Traffic Report Shows

The number of California drivers using cellphones is rising, as are deaths and injuries blamed on distracted driving. The California Office of Traffic Safety reported this week that nearly 13 percent of drivers were seen using mobile devices in an …

California Fire Safety Rule Citations Lag During Severe Drought

Amid the most destructive wildfire season in more than a decade, California’s firefighting agency amped up its warnings to thousands of property owners who weren’t doing enough to protect their homes by clearing brush and other flammable materials. But it …

AP Finds That Wildfire Citations in California Applied Unevenly

A review by The Associated Press of California government data has found a wide discrepancy in how state and local fire officials apply fines and citations for failing to clear vegetation in areas prone to wildland blazes. Property owners in …

Water Wasters in California Could Be Fined $500 A Day

In one of the most drastic responses yet to California’s drought, state regulators on Tuesday will consider fines up to $500 a day for people who waste water on landscaping, fountains, washing vehicles and other outdoor uses. The rules would …

California Targeted by Cyber-gangs: Report

International criminal enterprises follow the money, and a report says they are increasingly focusing on California because of its wealth and innovation. Aside from long-time trafficking in drugs, guns and people, the report by California Attorney General Kamala Harris says …

New California Law Limits Workers’ Comp For Pro Athletes

Professional athletes who spend most of their careers with teams in other states will be prohibited from filing workers’ compensation claims in California, under a bill signed by Gov. Jerry Brown. AB1309 will close a legal loophole that has let …

California Senate Oks Limits On Workers’ Comp For Pro Athletes

The state Senate has approved a bill to prevent professional athletes who spent most of their careers with teams in other states from filing workers’ compensation claims in California. AB1309, by Democratic Assemblyman Henry Perea of Fresno, would block future …

Inmate Lawsuits Cost California $200M

Gov. Jerry Brown has begun aggressively challenging federal court oversight of California’s prison system by highlighting what he says is a costly conflict of interest: The private law firms representing inmates and the judges’ own hand-picked authorities benefit financially by …

California Bill Would Force Gun Owners to Buy Insurance

Democratic lawmakers have proposed legislation that would require California gun owners to buy liability insurance to cover damages or injuries caused by their weapons. Similar bills have been introduced in other states after the Newtown, Conn., school massacre. They include …