Articles by Don Thompson

Shifting Winds Push Smoke from California Sierra Fire

Shifting winds sent smoke from a growing wildfire in the remote northeast Sierra Nevada back toward the San Joaquin Valley and San Francisco Bay area on Sunday, officials said. Wind gusts pushed the flames toward the south and southwest as …

Tahoe Fire Shows Need for Better Land Planning, Fire Chief Says

The wind-driven inferno that swept through a South Lake Tahoe subdivision last month and destroyed more than 250 homes is evidence that state fire officials must become more involved in local planning decisions, California’s top fire official said. As more …

Lawmakers’ Driving Claims Cost California Taxpayers

Lawmakers using state-issued vehicles filed auto insurance claims at a far higher rate than the general public, costing California taxpayers nearly $90,000 the past two years, according to records obtained by The Associated Press. The lawmakers, some of whom are …

Former California Lawmaker Gets High-Paying Appointment

Former California Sen. Liz Figueroa of Fremont, who lost a bid for her party’s nomination for lieutenant governor in June, will be paid $114,191 annually as a member of the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board. Senate President Pro Tem Don …

Fugitive Sought in Alleged Insurance Scam Arrested

An international manhunt for a fugitive sought in an alleged $20 million nationwide insurance fraud has ended with his arrest in Canada, according to federal and state authorities in California. A federal complaint filed in Sacramento charges the 58-year-old man …