Articles by Donna Smith

CEO Group Warns Washington to Avoid Impending ‘Fiscal Cliff’ Politics

The Business Roundtable, which represents U.S. CEOs in Washington, on Tuesday called on Congress and the President to enact a stopgap measure to avoid the “crisis” of a “fiscal cliff” of major tax hikes and spending cuts, saying the uncertainty …

Republican Ryan Proposes Individual Health Insurance Tax Credit

Republican Rep. Paul Ryan, an outspoken opponent of President Barack Obama’s healthcare reform, proposed a plan Tuesday that could effectively dismantle the way most Americans get health insurance by reducing incentives to join employer-sponsored plans. In a speech at Stanford …

Federal Healthcare Law Seen Aiding Small Employers: Study

Fewer Americans are getting medical coverage through their jobs than a decade ago but the 2010 U.S. healthcare law should help stabilize employer-sponsored insurance, two studies released Tuesday showed. The studies, sponsored by the non-partisan Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, will …

Republicans Push to Repeal Healthcare Reform Funds

In a renewed attack against President Barack Obama’s healthcare overhaul program, House Republicans voted Tuesday to deny funding for a central element of the law that sets up marketplaces for people to shop for health insurance coverage. The bill passed …

House Votes to Repeal Healthcare Law’s 1099 Reporting Measure

The U.S. House of Representatives voted Thursday to rescind an unpopular business tax reporting requirement in the year-old healthcare law, but the measure could be delayed by a dispute with Senate Democrats over how to pay for it. The House …

Senate Republicans Press for Vote to Repeal Healthcare Law

Republicans moved Tuesday to force a U.S. Senate vote to repeal President Barack Obama’s healthcare overhaul — a day after a federal judge ruled that the law was unconstitutional. Obama’s fellow Democrats in the Senate were expected to block the …

Republican Strategy: Prune Obamacare ‘Branch by Branch’

Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives Thursday launched a plan to replace President Barack Obama’s healthcare overhaul “branch by branch” with measures they say would bring down soaring costs. “The tree is rotten, you cut it down. If we …

House Passes Repeal of Healthcare Law

The Republican-led U.S. House of Representatives passed legislation that would repeal President Barack Obama’s landmark healthcare reform law Wednesday in a mostly symbolic move likely to be scuttled in the Senate. The House voted 245-189 to approve the Republican bill …

House to Vote on Healthcare Repeal Next Week

The U.S. House of Representatives will resume action next week on repealing President Barack Obama’s landmark healthcare overhaul, a House Republican spokesman said Thursday. The House had been expected to act this week on the repeal bill, but the vote …

Treasury Says Unpopular TARP Bailouts Exceeded Expectations

Despite its enormous unpopularity among voters, the government’s Wall Street bailout plan succeeded much more quickly and at a lower cost than expected, a U.S. Treasury report released Tuesday said. “The Troubled Asset Relief Program has succeeded faster, and at …