Articles by Donna Smith and John Whitesides

U.S. Senate May Drop Public Health Care Option

Lawmakers on both sides of the Capitol struggled to reach a health care deal Tuesday, with Senate Democrats near agreement with three Republicans on a plan that would not include a government-run insurance option backed by President Barack Obama. After …

Details of Democrats’ Health Care Reform Plan Emerging

Leading Senate Democrats unveiled Tuesday a plan to reshape U.S. healthcare that calls for sweeping insurance market reforms and prohibits insurers from denying coverage or charging more due to medical history. The measure also would require individuals to buy insurance, …

U.S. Weighs Government Health Plan to Compete With Private Insurers

U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius Wednesday said a proposed government health insurance plan backed by President Barack Obama would compete with private insurers rather than lead to a socialized system as Republicans claim. In her first appearance …

U.S. Health Secretary Nominee Sebelius Vows Food Safety Upgrade

Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius vowed Tuesday to make the Food and Drug Administration a “world class” regulatory agency and to work with industry to improve food safety if she is confirmed as health and human services secretary. Sebelius told the …