Articles by Doug Palmer

White House Says Will Seek ‘Fast-Track’ Trade Authority

The White House on Friday said it would work for approval of politically contentious legislation that would ease the way for new trade deals, as it tries to wrap up talks on an Asia-Pacific free-trade agreement this year. But the …

U.S. Trade Official Says Budget Cuts Could Impair Trade Agenda

A top U.S. trade official warned that automatic budgets cuts that start taking effect on Friday could hamper ongoing U.S. trade talks in the Asia-Pacific region and another proposed set of negotiations with the European Union. “The sequester cuts will …

U.S. Plans to Negotiate Services Trade Pacts with EU, Japan, 18 Others

The United States said on Tuesday it plans to negotiate an agreement with the European Union, Japan and 18 other economies to remove trade and investment barriers in services ranging from finance to express delivery. Washington, the 27-nation EU and …

US Senate OK’s Russia Trade w/ Human Rights Bill; Angry Russian Reaction

The U.S. Senate on Thursday approved legislation to punish Russian human rights violators as part of a broader bill to expand U.S. trade with Washington’s former Cold War enemy. Passage of the bill, by a 92-4 vote, drew an immediate …

WTO Director Lamy Says Doha Round Rescue in US, China’s Hands

World Trade Organization Director General Pascal Lamy on Monday acknowledged the Geneva-based grouping has been a “disappointing” forum for trade liberalization but placed the blame for moribund world trade talks on both China and the United States. Lamy, in a …

U.S., Trade Allies Push for International Services Talks

A proposed international agreement to reduce barriers to trade in service sectors ranging from banking to telecommunications [including insurance] would give the global economy a much-needed boost, top trade officials said on Wednesday. “This is a huge opportunity to spur …

U.S. Exports Seen at Risk as Russia Enters WTO

U.S. agricultural, aircraft and other exports to Russia could suffer unless Congress passes legislation soon recognizing the former Cold War enemy is now a fellow member of the World Trade Organization, trade experts and business groups said. After 18 years …

House Lawmakers Reach Deal on Russia Trade Pact, Rights Bill

The top Republican and Democrat on the House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee said on Thursday they had reached a deal to move forward on Russian trade legislation, including human rights provisions opposed by Moscow. “I am pleased that …

Senate Panel Approves Russia Trade, Human Rights Bill

The Senate Finance Committee on Wednesday unanimously approved a bill to ensure U.S. exporters share in the benefits of Russia’s accession to the World Trade Organization but also to punish Russian officials for human rights violations. The legislation still faces …

U.S., European Union Struggle to Overcome Regulatory Barriers

The United States and the European Union, stung by past failures to liberalize trade, are struggling over how to tackle regulatory barriers in areas ranging from financial services to chemicals that pose the biggest obstacle to a transatlantic free trade …