Articles by Dylan Lovan

Mine Worker Advocates Worried Coal Firm’s Tax Cut Jeopardizes Black Lung Fund

The Trump administration and coal industry allies are insisting that a federal black lung trust fund will continue to pay benefits to sick miners despite a drastic cut in funding. But the expected shortfalls will be covered by taxpayers instead …

Kentucky Fines Justice Companies Additional $3M Over Coal Mine Clean-Ups

West Virginia Governor Jim Justice’s family coal companies are breaching their environmental responsibilities, according to Kentucky regulators, who are seeking millions in additional fines for surface mining areas that haven’t been cleaned up. The Justice companies, which are now being …

Kentucky Coal Mine Supervisors Face Charges Over Rigged Dust Monitoring

Eight former supervisors and safety officers at a Kentucky coal company were indicted on federal charges that they rigged dust monitoring in underground mines, forcing miners to work in the kind of dirty conditions that can lead to black lung …

DEA Opens Kentucky Field Office to Target Opioid Abuse

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency is targeting opioid abuse in Appalachia by establishing a new field office in Kentucky to oversee a region ravaged by overdose deaths. The new Louisville field office will have a special agent in charge to …

Kentucky Reduces Number of Coal Mine Safety Inspections to Cut Costs

Kathy Bartlett watched helplessly this spring as Kentucky lawmakers cut back on mine safety inspections and replaced them with coaching sessions on miners’ safety habits. She knows more than most what’s at stake. Bartlett’s son, Rickey Thorpe, was crushed to …

Exiting U.S. Mine Safety Chief Hopeful Safety Progress Will Continue

The nation’s coal mines are headed for another record low year in workplace deaths, and the outgoing federal mine safety chief said he’s hopeful that mining companies will work with the incoming Trump administration to continue that progress. Joe Main …

U.S. Mine Safety Rule to Curb Black Lung Goes Into Effect

Underground coal mines will ramp up testing for the dust that causes breathing problems and leads to black lung disease under a new federal rule that took effect February 1. The U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration is requiring coal …

Coal Miner Killed in Kentucky, 3rd Industry Fatality in 2016

A coal miner in western Kentucky died after being pinned against a wall by a mobile digging machine in an underground mine, the first coal mining death in the state this year and the third nationally. The death prompted a …

Coal Mine Deaths at Record Low of 11 in 2015

Amid layoffs and idled operations, the U.S. coal industry is close to setting a record low for on-the-job deaths in coal mines. In late December, there were 11 deaths in coal mines nationwide for the year, putting the industry on …

Louisville Settles Zoo Train Accident With Remaining Victims for $6M

Louisville, Ky., has reached a $6 million settlement with five people injured in a 2009 derailing of a small train that carries families around the city’s zoo. The open-air, small-engine train was carrying 29 passengers and an operator when it …