Articles by Ed White

U.S. Refuses to Pay Michigan Insurer for Ferrari Wrecked by FBI Agent

The U.S. Justice Department has refused to pay $750,000 to a Michigan insurance company for a Ferrari that was wrecked in Kentucky while driven by an FBI agent. In a recent response to a lawsuit in Detroit, the Justice Department …

Michigan Judge Rules Wal-Mart Can Fire Employee for Marijuana Use

Michigan law legalizing medical marijuana doesn’t stop private businesses from firing people for drug use, a federal judge said in dismissing a lawsuit against Wal-Mart Stores Inc. U.S. District Judge Robert Jonker said the law, approved by voters in 2008, …

Michigan Suburb, Insurer Settle Employee Firing Case

The Detroit suburb of Southgate and its insurance company agreed to pay $300,000 to settle a lawsuit by a former court official who claimed she was fired because she questioned how a longtime judge handled money. At the direction of …

Election Results Could Upset Michigan Supreme Court Calendar

Election results have created uncertainty at the Michigan Supreme Court where 18 cases were scheduled to be argued in December before Republicans won two seats to put conservatives in control on Jan. 1. Justice Alton Davis, a Democrat, was defeated …

Michigan Court Rules Liability Waivers for Kids Do Not Bar Lawsuits

A parent’s signature doesn’t waive the legal rights of a child who is hurt at play, the Michigan Supreme Court said in a decision that has consequences for businesses, schools and other groups offering recreation activities for minors. The court …

Michigan Court Rules Liability Waivers for Kids Do Not Bar Lawsuits

A parent’s signature doesn’t waive the legal rights of a child who is hurt at play, the Michigan Supreme Court said in a decision that has consequences for businesses, schools and other groups offering recreation activities for minors. The court …

Michigan County Settles Swamp Death Lawsuit for $750K

A southeastern Michigan county agreed to pay $750,000 to settle a lawsuit over the death of a man who drowned in a swamp during his arrest, according to records unsealed by a federal judge. Details of the settlement, which had …

University of Michigan Pays $1 Million to Settle Student’s Dismissal Lawsuit

The University of Michigan is paying $1 million to settle a lawsuit with a former dental student who claimed she was illegally kicked out of school, according to a document obtained by The Associated Press. The AP reported a settlement …

Federal Judge Rules Michigan College Coach Immune to Player Suit

A federal judge has dismissed parts of a lawsuit against Central Michigan University and its women’s basketball coach, who is accused of dropping a scholarship partly because a player isn’t a lesbian. U.S. District Judge Thomas Ludington did not rule …

Court: Hockey-Stick Injury Could Be Considered an Accident

Putting itself in the skates of an 8-year-old, the Utah Supreme Court reinstated a lawsuit Tuesday filed by a woman whose son was smacked in the head with a hockey stick while teasing another player. A key issue: Did Daniel, …